1Page # Machine Assembly WBS 700 By: James H. Chrzanowski January 24, 2001
J.H. Chrzanowski2 WBS 700 Machine Assembly WBS 710 “Planning and Oversight” WBS 720 “On Site Pre-Assembly Activities” WBS 730 “Test Cell & Basement Assembly Activities” WBS 740 “Measurement Systems”
J.H. Chrzanowski3 WBS 700 Machine Assembly WBS 710 “Planning and Oversight” –Includes costs associated with planning and overseeing the assembly of the Vacuum Vessel /Coil Field Periods, plus the final assembly of the NCSX machine in the C-site Test Cell. –Responsible for coordinating all NCSX Test Cell activities including those Pre-assembly activities in the TFTR Test Cell
J.H. Chrzanowski4 WBS 700 Machine Assembly WBS 710 “Planning and Oversight” Developing plan for assembly of machine components Integration between WBS elements involving assembly issues Initiating and maintaining General Arrangement Drawing of Test Cell Designing tooling required for component assembly Design and fabrication of machine platform
J.H. Chrzanowski5 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Tooling Design and Material Procurements –Special assembly and lifting fixtures and tooling $100.0 k ~ $125.0 k (w/25% G&A) –General procurements ( miscellaneous items required for assembly- safety, tools, disposable items, etc.) $ 20.0 k ~ $ $25.0 k (w/25% G&A) –Platform Materials $35.0 k ~ $ 44.0 k (w/25% G&A)
J.H. Chrzanowski6 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Labor Requirements: –Construction Manager (1726 mhrs) –Engineering support (2857 mhrs) –Construction Safety Representative ( 1726 mhrs) –Industrial Hygiene (863 mhrs) –Quality Control (863 mhrs) –Cadd Designer (1295 mhrs) –Technician/ Monthly Support: (2386 mhrs) –Material & Supplies: $155.0 k ~ $194.0 k (w G&A) –Estimated Cost: $1,360 k
J.H. Chrzanowski7 WBS 700 Machine Assembly WBS 720 “On Site Pre-Assembly Activities” –This WBS section includes the costs associated with the receipt, assembly, alignment and vacuum leak testing of the (3) field periods
J.H. Chrzanowski8 WBS 700 Machine Assembly NCSX Pre-Assy. Area
J.H. Chrzanowski9 WBS 700 Machine Assembly WBS 720 “On Site Pre-Assembly Activities” –The assembly of the VV/Coil Modules will occur in the abandoned TFTR Test Cell located at D-site Area Preparation: $57.6 k (720 mhrs technician and monthly support) –Sufficient floor space and crane capacity available (110 Ton capacity) –Manpower dependent- Multiple segments could be assembled simultaneously
J.H. Chrzanowski10 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Assumptions –The vacuum vessel will be delivered to the TFTR Test Cell in three sections –The TF coils and Modular coils will be delivered to the TFTR Test Cell as separate components
J.H. Chrzanowski11 WBS 700 Machine Assembly TF Coil Systems –Receive, inspect and test TF and Modular coils $23.1 k (288 mhrs Tech. & Monthly Support) –Assemble all of the TF/Modular coils together for fit up and alignment Components may have to be match reamed Alignment equipment will be required (laser or “Faro” measuring arm required) –$147.2 k (1840 mhrs) approx. 2.5 months
J.H. Chrzanowski12 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Assemble Field Period Components –Assemble each of the three Field Periods TF coils/Modular coils/vacuum vessel and Trim coils Slide TF/ Module coil assemblies onto the vacuum vessel and align/fasten coil structures together Hang Vacuum vessel from Coil support structure MIG weld port extensions to the vacuum vessel –(22) extensions per field period
J.H. Chrzanowski13 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Assemble Field Period Components-continued –Vacuum leak Field Period segment –Install Trim coils inside of the vacuum vessel –PFC’s to be installed after final assembly of all three periods in the NCSX Test Cell (welded scenario) –Transport “Field Period” to the NCSX Test Cell –Cost per field period assembly $ k –Approximately 16 weeks per assembly
J.H. Chrzanowski14 WBS 700 Machine Assembly WBS 73 “Test Cell & Basement Assembly” –This WBS section includes the assembly of all the NCSX Torus components in the Test Cell including: All support structure Vacuum vessel & coil systems Cryostat Test Cell Platform (inc. lighting, fire detection, suppression system under platform)
J.H. Chrzanowski15 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Machine components will be assembled in the PLT/PBX Test Cell 25 Ton Overhead Crane will be used to assemble components
J.H. Chrzanowski16 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Remove walls during assembly NCSX TEST CELL
J.H. Chrzanowski17 WBS 700 Machine Assembly –Activities not included in this WBS : Bus runs to the coils (WBS 400) Cryo-line connections (WBS 600) Bakeout system installation & connections (WBS 600) Water system connections (WBS 600) Neutral Beam Installations (WBS 200) External Diagnostic Installations (WBS 300) Shield wall modification & installation (WBS 600) Vacuum pump system (WBS 200) External Diagnostics (WBS 300)
J.H. Chrzanowski18 WBS 700 Machine Assembly –Activities not included in this WBS : GPP Activities Lighting Upgrade Test Cell Roof upgrade ?? Dew Point Control needs repair C-site Cooling Tower Upgrade Upgrade Central Chilled Water Plant
J.H. Chrzanowski19 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Machine Assembly Sequence –Install/align machine support columns –Install lower support rings –Install lower cryostat floor –Position lower PF-3 & 4 coils in support Rings –Pump down & Leak Check Vacuum Vessel
J.H. Chrzanowski20 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Install 1 st. Field Period Install 2 nd. Field Period Install 3 rd. Field Period
J.H. Chrzanowski21 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Install Vacuum pump system –(WBS 200) Pump down & Leak check Vacuum vessel Complete installation Bakeout connections (WBS 600)
J.H. Chrzanowski22 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Raise into position Lower PF 3 & 4 Install Upper PF-3 & 4 Install PF-1 & 2 Solenoid PF4 PF3
J.H. Chrzanowski23 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Machine Assembly Sequence- continued –Installation of PFC’s and Internal Diagnostics –Weld support hardware and plumbing Approximately 2 months x 3 men –Assemble tile subassemblies (outside VV) Approximately 2 months x 2 men –Install Internal PFC’s & Diagnostics Approximately 4 months x 4 men Estimated Cost $300.0k
J.H. Chrzanowski24 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Machine Assembly Sequence- continued –Install Bus connections to coil systems (WBS 400) –Connect Cryostat and water lines (WBS 600) –Install Platform around machine –Install external diagnostics (WBS 300)
J.H. Chrzanowski25 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Install Cryostat walls and ceiling –Install collars and boots around feedthru’s
J.H. Chrzanowski26 WBS 700 Machine Assembly
J.H. Chrzanowski27 WBS 700 Machine Assembly
J.H. Chrzanowski28 WBS 700 Machine Assembly Estimated cost excluding WBS 740 –$ 2,875.0 k
J.H. Chrzanowski29 WBS 70 Machine Assembly Rates Used For Estimating –Engineering -mechanical & electrical (EM) $ per hour –Senior lab (SM)/Technicians (TB) and Cad Designers(DM) $80.00 per hour –Material & Supplies Cost plus 25% G&A No contingency included in estimates