Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE Ray Grannall Regional Senior Specialist for Skills Development for Asia Pacific Region Asia Pacific Skills and Employability Program (SKILLS-AP) ILO/SKILLS-AP/JAPAN National Technical Workshop On Skills Training in the Workplace Bangkok 23 March 2019 Technical Session 3 Training and Skills Assessment in the Workplace
Workplace Learning Learning at work occurs all the time Learning process can be improved Learning improves if support provided to the learner Learning improves if people understand why things are done in a certain way
Guided learning ensures a planned approach to learning through work activities, People do not learn bad habits Progress can be monitored Problems can be identified
Benefits of Workplace Learning Employees know correct way to use equipment – reduced maintenance and improved safety Personal outcome, such as improving as job satisfaction and self-esteem. Reduced frustration – customer service Can contribute to an educational outcome (qualification or Statement of Attainment);
Examples of workplace learning (1) A worker is given a relatively simple task, then progressively moves to more complex tasks A trainee works alongside an experienced worker to watch and learn A group of workers identifies how to improve a work process One or more workers are identified as people who others can go to for advice
Examples of workplace learning (2) The organisation provides short training courses at the work premises (trainers may be either from the organisation or external) The organisation provides information and communication events Employees are encouraged to learn for themselves – e.g. from books, manuals, videos, computer-based learning
Comparison with Self Paced Competency Based Training Can commence at any time Learn at own pace No curriculum No separation into theory and practice Need to record and monitor progress No teacher - supervisor and colleagues as facilitators
Create an effective learning environment at work Analyse work practices and routines to see if they can be modified to improve learning –Location of supervisor or colleagues –Wall charts –Safety instructions –Accessible information – technical manuals, training materials
Identify Skills Needed in the workplace Review job descriptions Training needs analysis Identify attitudes and soft skills needed –Team-working, –Ability to innovate, –Adaptability, –Customer Service Assess literacy and numeracy of existing workers (need sensitive approach)
Encourage self-learning Provide resource centre (books, manuals, videos, computers with relevant learning programmes) Encourage employees to develop their knowledge and skills. Circulate industry (and workplace training) journals to key staff Attendance at industry conferences and seminars
Monitor learning Monitor individual progress (record books) Identify barriers to effective staff participation –Literacy, numeacy –Ineffective trainers –Inadequate learning resources Ask employees how learning could be improved
Provide Training for Supervisors Train supervisors to effectively train staff Monitor training provided by supervisors Identify experienced staff to act as mentors for new or less experienced employees
Job Rotation Can be organised along supply chain or in large organisations Increases understanding of the whole business Planned job rotation – leading to improved career options and benefits to company Increases broad based skills
Sources of ideas for designing workplace learning Benchmarking with other (non-competitor) organisations Study tours Training magazines and websites
Developing a Training Program Not an option for many companies Knowledge and skills needed What activities will provide the needed knowledge and skills? What will need to be taught and coached, and how should it best be taught? What materials and resources are best for ensuring the required learning?
Workplace Assessment Use multiple approaches Observation – (including tasting, quality inspection) Fault finding Critical incident report Questioning Test project (with time limit) Multiple choice questions (item bank) Group discussion
Assessments Recording assessments – not just competent/not yet competent Have some validation Audit and review process (consider using external organisations) Company awards for completion of sets of competencies
Partnerships Develop links with training organisation to get qualifications Company can focus on core business Training organisations have access to teaching and learning materials
Discussion What examples can you share from your own experience of good examples of workplace learning?
Thank you Asia Pacific Skills and Employability Program (SKILLS-AP) ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific