T Iteration Demo Hermes Team [I1] Iteration
T Iteration demo 2 Agenda Project status (15 min) achieving the goals of the iteration project metrics Work results (15 min) demo Used work practices (5 min)
T Iteration demo 3 Background High expectations Change in customer’s goals Demo Development platform Verification Criteria List view Help Option Star and Hash functions
T Iteration demo 4 Status of the iteration’s goals Goal 1: Develop Browser Demo OK
T Iteration demo 5 Status of the iteration’s deliverables QA Report OK Requirements document OK Test log OK Progress report OK
T Iteration demo 6 Realization of the tasks StatusRealPlanDiff Project Managementok 45 hrs40h+5 hrs Designok 76.5h80h-3.5h Programmingalmost 154h210hrs-56h Testing & QAok 62.5 h70h-7.5h
T Iteration demo 7 Working hours by person Major discrepancies: Effort estimation inaccuracies RealPlanDiff JJRP A. Salinas 80 0 Kavuri Abu Zhao Lee Realized hours in this iteration
T Iteration demo 8 Quality metrics I I1I2Total Reported 8-8 Closed 5-5 Open 3-3 Bug metrics HighLowMediumTotal Total open 0123 This iteration reported 1258 HighLowMediumTotal List View 0022 Conversational View 0000 Alloy 13
T Iteration demo 9 Quality metrics II Other QA metrics unit tests Integration tests Use Case code reviews
T Iteration demo 10 Quality assessment by components Functional component CoverageQualityComments Conversational View3 Known bugs in text List View3 Data Access2 Legend Coverage: Quality: 0 = nothing = quality is good 1 = we looked at it = not sure 2 = we checked all functions = quality is bad 3 = it’s tested
T Iteration demo 11 Risks IDIDDescriptionImpactProbabilityRisk MagnitudeActionsStatus 1 development policies and standards are in place, but sometimes not carefully followed31LOW Arrange meeting with the developersSOLVED 2 Architecture design is sometimes difficult to understand to developers33MEDIUM Architect and developers should meet face to faceCONTINUOUS 3 Project Roadmap has changed45HIGH Need to make some changes to the developmen tSOLVED 4 Communication difficulty among team members due to language barrier, different routins of developers45HIGH Frequest meetings, create differnt small groupsSOLVED 5 PM was not available for certain periods32LOWReasisgn tasksSOLVED 6 Testing approach is properly defined but sometimes difficult to implement42LOW Developer and test team should work togetherCONTINUOUS 7 Not so much experience in similar projects44HIGH dedicate more time to the projectSOLVED 8 Some delays to meet the milestones43MEDIUM Increase the developmen t timeSOLVED 9 Team productivity is not so high33MEDIUM Rearrange the task of developersSOLVED
T Iteration demo 12 Browser Demo…
T Iteration demo 13 Used work practices Time reporting Time reporting according to task list Risk management Risk log, and actions to control Communication Weekly meetings with customer Individual meetings with developers and architect Bug Reports Weekly and individual meetings
T Iteration demo 14 Thank you