STROLL JISC Workshop ‘Unlocking the full potential of technology in student learning’ The Learners’ Journeys: the STROLL experience Amanda Jefferies STROLL Project Director With Ruth Hyde and Mabel Agbenorto University of Hertfordshire Hertford Regional College
STROLL JISC Workshop ‘Unlocking the full potential of technology in student learning’
STROLL JISC Workshop ‘Unlocking the full potential of technology in student learning’ An overview of STROLL – the Learners’ Journeys project What makes this project distinctive? Longitudinal study – 18 months of student reflections, up to 3 academic years of experience Video Diary methodology – students using camcorders, webcams and audio recordings HE and FE participants – comparison of different institutional experiences
STROLL JISC Workshop ‘Unlocking the full potential of technology in student learning’ Which of our findings surprised us? Student reliance on technologies, especially technology as a ubiquitous part of life for both study and leisure Importance of the MLE to their studies Importance of access to study materials when off campus
STROLL JISC Workshop ‘Unlocking the full potential of technology in student learning’ Mabel graduated in 2008 BSc IT and Business from University of Hertfordshire Let’s hear how: Mabel used technology to support her learning, what she likes and does not like, how it makes her a more effective learner. The Student’s story …
STROLL JISC Workshop ‘Unlocking the full potential of technology in student learning’ STROLL Student voice… I am an addict to face book… I am always on social networks because I think they are absolutely amazing Technology is a big part of my life, both in working and playing the first thing I do in the morning is to switch on my TV and my computer because I have to check my s Pod cast continues to be a great inspiration to the way I learn, I find it so helpful to listen to again and again I feel Study Net is a great inspiration in the learning process. At college if I missed a class I would very rarely get the opportunity to catch up on what I had missed
STROLL JISC Workshop ‘Unlocking the full potential of technology in student learning’ Acknowledgements ‘In their Own Words’ JISC publication Phase 1 The work of the Support and Synthesis Project and the other JISC Phase 2 projects Our colleagues at the Blended Learning Unit CETL The student volunteers for STROLL