Oral examination via webconferencing Anneleen Cosemans DIVERSE July 3th 2008
DIVERSE July 2nd Where do I work? AVNet Audiovisual New Educational Technologies Central support service of the university and 11 associated university colleges 07/03/08
DIVERSE July 2nd Development of Multimedia and Media systems Production Presentation Compression/ Distribution Research Support of Multimedia and Multicampus Education Operational Conceptual Research AVNet: two legs 07/03/08
Multicampus research How can you coach exchange students at a distance? Virtual Mobility Before and After Student Exchanges Socrates – Minerva project (October September 2008) DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Project partners EuroPACE ivzw (BE) University of Leuven (BE) Coimbra Group ASBL (BE) Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven (BE) ESU European Students’ Union (BE) University of Tartu (EE) BEST Board of European Students of Technology (FR) University of West Hungary – Faculty of Geoinformatics (HU) Helsinki University of Technology, TKK Dipoli (FI) Laurea University of Applied Sciences (FI) University of Edinburgh (UK) 5DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Virtual support activities BEFOREAFTER Virtual buddy system Preparatory courses (language, culture, digital literacy) Pre-selection tools Virtual assessment and evaluation at a distance Virtual Alumni 6DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Master European Social Security (Faculty of Law) one-year international study programme in English Blends regular with distance learning This pilot: : need for oral examination at a distance Set-up of e-assessment through webconferencing Pilot e-assessment 7DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
An impression… 8DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Web conferencing, because… –1-to-1 communication –Minimal technical infrastructure (<> videoconference) –Minimal technical support (<> videoconference) FlashMeeting, because… –Still in test phase of Adobe Connect –Very much acquainted with the application –No extra software installation (<> Skype, MSN) –Reliability of the system (Open University, UK) –Virtual meetings are recorded Which tool and why? 9DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
1.Organisation 2.Technology: what and how? 3.Didactics/pedagogy The three things we do to help 10DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Face-to-face meeting with teacher and assistants Detailed scenario of preparatory activities and examination itself Evaluation 1. Organisation 11DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
What? FlashMeeting Computer with internet connection + webcam How? Manual FlashMeeting Some tips on webcams, light, … 2. Technology 12DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Clear division of tasks Detailed scenario of the examination Specific character of FlashMeeting One-way communication (additional questions at the end of the exam) Exam questions through other channel Rather short questions with short answers 3. Didactics/pedagogy 13DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Quality similar to F2F Recordings are added value F2F meeting for authentication The technology should disappear Time consuming Connectivity, crucial for timing Some reactions 14DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Sequel in Adobe Connect instead of FlashMeeting Not only examination, also: Oral defense master paper Virtual contact moments Webconferencing as a second-line instrument To be continued… 15DIVERSE July 2nd /03/08
Thank you! DIVERSE July 2nd Other experiences? Questions? 07/03/08