Intro: The promise and the prep Summary: Witnesses in Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth” (1:8) Witnesses from Jerusalem through Judea and Samaria to Antioch Witnesses from Antioch through Asia minor and Europe to Rome “Witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth” 2:112:2513:128:31 How the Church… Began and grew in Jerusalem (Witness in Jerusalem) Expanded in the areas beyond Jerusalem through persecution (Witness in Judea & Samaria) Advanced through Paul’s evangelistic travels (Witness in Greece) Advanced through Paul’s arrest and imprisonment (Witness in Rome) 2:18:1 12:2513:119:2019:2128:31 1:126 (Initial, spontaneous growth) (Formal, official missionary growth) Primarily Peter Primarily Paul Acts of the Apostles
Acts: Geographical & Biographical Climax Biographical Climax Jews, Samaritans, God-fearers Jews, Samaritans, God-fearers, Pagan Gentiles Jews only Jerusalem Chs.2-7 All Judea and Samaria Chs (and Jerusalem) Uttermost parts - Earth Chs (And Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria) Climax 28:11-31 Rome Geographical Climax
Introduction 1:1-26 Provides background for the book in terms of its relation to the first book and identification of addressee (1:1-5), And provides background for the witness of the church (Chs. 2-28) in terms of the promise of the resurrected Christ (vv.1-11), esp. the summary statement of v.8: 2:1-28:31 The witness of the church, now adequately prepared, to Jerusalem (Chap. 2-7) Witnesses in Jerusalem Judea and Samaria Uttermost parts - Earth And to Judea and Samaria (Chap. 8-12) And to the uttermost parts of the earth (Chaps )
Recurrence - Major Themes (1) Save/Salvation/Savior (2:21,40,47; 4:9,12; 5:31; 7:25; 11:14; 13:23-26,47; 14:9; 15:1,11; 16:17,30,31,34; 28:28) (2) Name (2:21,38; 3:6,16; 4:7,10,12,17,18,30; 5:28,40,41; 8:12,16; 9:14,15,16,21,27,29; 10:43,48; 15:14,17,26; 16:18; 19:5,13,17; 21:13; 22:16; 26:9) (3) Pray/Prayer (1:14,24; [2:21]; 2:42; 3:1; 4:23-31; 6:6; 7:59; 8:24; 9:11; 10:2,4,9,30,31; 11:5; 12:5,12; 13:3; 14:23; 16:13,25; 20:36; 21:5; 22:17; 28:8) (4) Kingdom/Kingdom of God (1:3,6; 8:12; 14:22; 19:8; 20:25; 28:23,31)
Recurrence of Contrast Apostles/Church (Christ) Unbelieving Jews (2:13; 4:1-21; 5:17-41; 6:8- 8:1; 13:6-12,45-47,50; 14:2-7,19; 17:5-9,13; 18:5- 6,12-17; 19:8-9; 20:3; 21:11,27-28; 23:12-22; 25:2-3; 28:23-31) Gentile Opponents (12:1-23; 16:16-40; 19:23- 41; 23:26-26:32) vs.
Comparison (Biographical) Peter Paul (1:12-5:11; 9:32-12:24)(9:1-31; 13:1-28:31) A number of specific points of comparison are involved, e.g. - Both Peter and Paul are called to minister to Gentiles - Both Peter and Paul begin w/ ministry to Jews, then move to ministry to Gentiles - Both Peter and Paul argue for the inclusion of Gentiles - Both Peter and Paul miraculously escape from prison (note echoes) - Both Peter and Paul are worshipped for miraculous deeds (note echoes) - Both Peter and Paul have incidental healing power, and are sought out by the people for spontaneous healings (note echoes) Peter-Ch.10 Paul-9:15; Chs Peter-chs.1-11 Paul-chs.13-28, esp. 13:13-52; 18:1-19; 19:8-10; 28:23-31 Peter-chs. 11,15 Paul-ch.15 Peter-10:23-29 Paul-14:8-14; 28:1-6 Peter-5:15-16 Paul-19:11-12 Peter- 12:6-17 Paul- 16:25-34
- Both Peter and Paul heal crippled persons (note echoes) -Both Peter and Paul raise the dead (note echoes) - Both Peter and Paul confront and overcome magicians Peter - 9:36-43 Paul - 19:11-12 Peter - 8:14-25 Paul - 13:4-12 Peter-ch.3 Paul-14:8-11 (possibly)