Bell Work Ch.11.6 List the countries and their leaders that are associated with the rise of Nationalism in Europe.
Ch 11.6 Challenges to the Churches Power Objective 1: Decrease in Papal Power Two Major Events: Babylonian Captivity- Time period in which Avignon became the papal capital. Great Schism-Time period in which both Italy and France had their own pope Council of Constance Results: Europeans became suspicious of the French monarch. Rome fell into lawlessness & impoverishment National rulers were divided
Ch Objective #2 Church Critics Church Critic Actions against the Church Marsilius of Padua & John of Jandun Defender of the Peace – Declared the pope had no temporal power. John Wycliffe Attacked the wealth of the church, immorality of the clergy, & the pope’s claim to absolute authority. Jan HusDenounced the abuses of the church Marsilus, Jandun, & wycliffe-believed the pope had too much power. Wycliffe & Hus denounced the church actions
Ch.11.6 Review Q’s Section 6: Challenges to Church Power 1.What led to the decrease in the churches temporal power? 2.Describe the Babylonian Captivity. 3.What led to the Great Schism? And how did the “Council of Constance” attempt to solve the issues? 4.How did Marsilius’s “Defender of the Peace” and “Unam Sanctam” differ? 5.What efforts did Wycliffe do to decrease the power of the Church? Was it effective?