Spanish Sounds
The vowel sounds never change in Spanish
Words starting with vowels
a abeja
e elefante
i iglesia
o oveja
u uvas
Say the words!
iglesia abeja elefante oveja uvas
Say the words!
Some are pronounced differently to English consonants
*c casa hard ‘c’ before ‘a’
*c cerdo soft ‘c’ - ‘th’ sound before ‘e’ in Spanish and ‘s’ sound in Latin America
*c ciclista soft ‘c’ - ‘th’ sound before ‘i’ in Spanish and ‘s’ sound in Latin America
*ch coche The Spanish ‘ch’ is pronounced like the ‘ch’ in the word ‘church’
*c conejo hard ‘c’ before ‘o’
Say the words!
casa cerdo ciclista coche conejo
Say the words!
*c cucaracha hard ‘c’ before ‘u’
*g gato hard ‘g’ before ‘a’
*g genio ‘g’ before ‘e’ like ‘h’ in English
*g gimnasio ‘g’ before ‘i’ like ‘h’ in English
*g gordo hard ‘g’ before ‘o’
Say the words!
genio cucuracha gato gimnasio gordo
Say the words!
*g gusano ‘hard’ g before u
*h helado ‘h’ is a silent letter in Spanish
*j jirafa ‘j’ in Spanish sounds like ‘h’ in English
*ll amarillo ‘ll’ in Spanish sounds like ‘y’ sound in English
*ñ señorita ‘ñ’ is like ‘ny’ sound in English
Say the words!
jirafa gusano helado amarillo señorita
Say the words!
*r ratón ‘r’ at the beginning of a word has a vibrating sound
*rr perro ‘rr’ has a vibrating sound too
*v ventana ‘v’- a soft, breathy ‘b’
*x xilófono ‘x’ at the start of a word is a bit like ‘s’ sound in English
*z zumo ‘z’ is ‘th’ sound in Spanish and like ‘s’ sound in Latin America
Say the words!
ratón perro ventana zumo xilófono
Say the words!