Human Data Chart: Stereotypes and Gender Roles AgreeDisagreeIndifferent Men are more courageous than women. Women are calmer than men. Gender has no impact on how courageous a person is.
Unit Question: How do internal and external factors influence my role in society? Standards: ELA8CCRL1, ELA8CCRI1, ELA8CCRL2, ELA8CCRI2, ELA8CCRL3, ELA8CCRI3, ELA8CCW1, ELA8CCW4, ELA8CCW7-9, and ELA8CCLSV1. Learning Focus/Objective: Students will analyze and evaluate literary and nonfiction texts; they will cite textual evidence to support their claims.
Warm Up: Daily Grammar Practice Monday-Parts of Speech Tuesday-Sentence Parts Wednesday-Clauses and Sentence Types Thursday-Punctuation and Capitalization Friday-Diagramming
Opening--Analyze the Visual: Examine the image and make predictions about the premise of the story--“The Dinner Party” by M. Gardner.
Additional Instructional Strategies and Activities for “The Dinner Party” During Reading Stop-Summarize-Personalize and Connect While reading, students will stop periodically to summarize key events, connect background knowledge that they already have to make various connections to the text (T-T, T-W, & T-S) After Reading Journaling/Response Notebooks and Discussion Students will choose one of the following statements to construct a journal entry that conveys their thoughts about the topic: 1.Men are more courageous than women. 2.Women are more calm than men. 3.Gender has no impact on how courageous a person is. Then, they will complete critical thinking (various DOK levels) questions. (Ind. Pairs WG)
Critical Thinking and DOK Questions 1.From your perspective, determine who behaves heroically in the story. Justify your answer with evidence from the text. 2.Examine and discuss how the events in the story affected your ideas about female and male reactions to tense situations. Provide evidence to support your reasoning. 3.Has the incident presented in the story changed the colonel’s stereotypical view of women? Explain your answer using details from the story. How do events in the story reveal the author’s purpose for writing the story? 4.Vocabulary—Using the word, naturalist, create a concept definition map. Consider the following: Famous Examples, Training, Kinds of Careers, Nature of the Job, and Tools Used. Research information to complete the web.
Grammar Review in Context Monday’s focus is parts of speech. Read an excerpt from today’s text and identify/label the parts of speech; see paragraphs... Refer to your DGP packet for examples on how to mark your sentences.
Closing: 3*2*1 3: Draw three conclusions from the story based on today’s reading and discussion 2: Identify two stereotypes that still exist today and discuss their impacts on our culture. 1: Write one question that you still have or provide a comment about today’s activities.
Additional Activities 1.Article Analysis using MLA Documentation; Use Mackinvia to find articles…Galileo, Galileo Teen, EbscoHost, Destiny, etc… 2.Round 1 of Formal Debates; Use Opposing Viewpoints from Mackinvia in addition to other credible sources Topics: Stereotypes and Gender Roles
Extension Activities: Cross Curricular Connections Social Studies Women are not always thought of as the weaker sex. Anthropologist Margaret Mead found that women in some areas of the Pacific were trained to be leaders, while men were raised to be passive. Explore some of Mead’s popular works such as Coming of Age in Sarnoa or Growing Up in New Guinea. How does Mead’s conclusion that stereotyped behavior based on gender roles comes from cultural learning, not innate differences between the sexes, support the behavior shown in “The Dinner Party”?
Extension Activities: Cross Curricular Connections Science A common image of the cobra is of the snake being “charmed” by a man playing music. Prepare a 5-7 minute TED Talk that provides background information and insight on this custom. See the TED Talk Assessment Rubric for expectations.
Extended Text: Novel Study Whole Group Reading--A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen Type of Activities: Guided Questions, Journaling, Literature Circles, Written Literary Analysis, and Choice Boards