19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review SAMGrid: Future Plans CDF Accepts the Need for the Grid –Requirements D0 Relies on the Grid –Requirements How to.


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Presentation transcript:

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review SAMGrid: Future Plans CDF Accepts the Need for the Grid –Requirements D0 Relies on the Grid –Requirements How to Meet the Need –Status of SAMGrid –The Grid Tools Rick St. Denis, University of Glasgow

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Director’s review, International Finance Committee: 50% computing outside FNAL Maximize physics low Lumi –L3 output rate: 80 -> 360Hz by 06 Spokespersons’ Requirements for CDF CDFGrid supported by FNAL PAC CDF needs the Grid

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Scale of CDF Requirements THz%offsiteCPU Speed #duals FY %3GHz150 FY %5GHz+360 FY %8GHz sites, 100Duals each, by

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review What can 20 duals and 6 TB do? StreamEventsDaysInput Size A:Top,W/Z20.5 M TB H:Hadronic B and charm 156M TB Need to transfer 0.6 GB/min or 1 TB/Day

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review CDF Computing Model Develop Analysis on desktop –Access to all CDF data from anywhere Large scale processing on batch clusters –Submission from anywhere –interactive tools: ls,top,head/tail/cat –Output to scratch space or desktop Implemented Now with CAF

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Use Cases for Summer 2004 User Level MC Production –All CDF Users have access –No data on site -> SAM write User Level Data Access –All users have access –Selected samples on site: Full SAM Support SAM Essential for Summer 2004

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Medium Term Vision Many Sites Fully transparent submission to all of CDF resources: 75% FNAL, 25% outside Fully transparent input and output of data Farm future: not as a special facility

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Summer 04 Functionality User selects submission site, saying what dataset they will use System checks they can do this (privileges) User access with SAM/dCache User registers output with SAM

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review CAF Gui/CLI CDFGrid from a User Perspective AC++ Grid TorontoKoreaItalyTaiwanFermiCAFUK CAF Gui/CLI CDF Grid from a User Perspective Only Fermilab Uses SAM Outside LabGrid Uses SAM

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review October 04 To extend beyond 25% outside computing JIM is essential: JIM Test for CDF June04, production October 04 HOWEVER: It already seems that the 25% resources are not sufficient for the production passes: will want JIM earlier.

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review CDF Grid Strategy 25% of CDF Computing from external resources. All CDF computing on CDF Grid by April 15: Utilize resources fully controlled by CDF: Kerberos/fbsng: dCAF + SAM October 15, 2004: JIM to capture shared resources June 2005: 50% of Computing resources external

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review D0 Priorities Mc production using JIM Reprocessing using as many DH tools as possible Analysis Remote is 10% now. All MC and 20% of reprocessing is Now offsite

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Meeting the Needs Progress in SAM JIM Status RunJob CDFGridWorkshop: “Nerd’s Paradise” Strict Project Management and process to respond to operational issues

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review In the near term future:JIM Adding Grid Standard Tools

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Desktop Anywhere Condor centers SAM DB Condor Globus GK CAF Submitter SAM each site WN Private LAN dCache June 2004 testing June 2005 required Simple JIM

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Detailed JIM Site Resource Selector Info Collector Info Gatherer Match Making User Interface Submission Global Job Queue Grid Client Submission User Interface Global DH Services SAM Naming Server SAM Log Server Resource Optimizer SAM DB Server RCMetaData Catalog Bookkeeping Service SAM Stager(s) SAM Station (+other servs) Data Handling Worker Nodes Grid Gateway Local Job Handler (CAF, D0MC, BS,...) JIM Advertise Local Job Handling Cluster AAA Dist.FS Info Manager XML DB server Site Conf. Glob/Loc JID map... Info Providers MDS MSS Cache Site Web Serv Grid Monitoring User Tools Flow of: jobdata meta-data

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Progress in SAM Dbserver, the database server between applications and Oracle, was upgraded to use a common schema for CDF and D0. All CDF data files are in SAM Sam in is in beta testing on the CDF CAF (1200 cpus): passed 20TB/Day delivery Minos uses SAM for its Data Handling Steve Mrenna (Phenomenology) depositing ALPGEN files in SAM for common CDF/D0 use.

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Planned Sam Projects Not yet started…

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Planned Sam Project MC/farm Requests –Merge systems of MC request with Farm Request: Eliminate double work. Autodestinations –Awkward to use, being discussed in design.

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Assimilating/Disseminating the Grid SAMGrid, ARDA, GRIDPP2, Grid3+,PPDG4/5 and making them aware of us

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review How to Go Grid Standard GGF participation Internal implementation of interfaces and standards Workshop participation in our strong areas where the Grid has a vacuum Projects to deploy well-defined standards.

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review GGF Programme committee for workshop on nuclear and particle physics applications: Paper exists with catalog of GGF groups and how their interests overlap with ours Workshop on use cases: paper failed acceptance, learned too late: prepare for next time

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review GridPP2 Bid will reward us with positions; recognized a need for a metadata task force :strong interest in SAM solution. ARDA problematic; agree there is a standard, and mine is the right one to start from. There is more to grid than ARDA.

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Project to GridProject Chains and Links/SBIRII Caching Schema rationalized

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Chains and Links/SBIR-II Query language to pursue for the Grid, SBIRII forces well-defined interface Within the Metadata workshop context: Priority for Grid high, Oversubscription of key CDF/D0 personnel: great opportunity, could lose it.

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Caching SRM interface within SAM to SAM cache SRM interface to dcache Application of caching according to requirements: multiple local sam caches, multiple dcache-linked caches as a sam cache, capitalize on redundant distributed cache (nb. worker nodes)

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Dcache and SAM Dcache shapes traffic into disk: If a SAM cache is large, need to use Dcache instead of nfs mounts Dcache gives the user what is requested. 1TB gets same priority as 1GB: CDF users must send requesting data to be staged. SAM examines consumption rate before staging next files – No needed. SAM uses Dcache for its Caching at FNAL. This needs further work with SRM

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review SAM Schema Modularization Modularize the schema, Modularize the API, Define interfaces, Migrate, Easier project management.

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Link of Schema to Cache Dcache without tape but with postgres becomes Local Replica Catalog Need protocol to connect to central (virtual) database (performance) CSS-DSG - CCF Group strong interactions Awareness of Grid Pull out local replica API, cache in SAM schema

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Authorization and Accounting Work with CMS Gabriele and Virginia Tech Virtual Organizations/VOX –  can we have a solution soon?

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Monitoring XML-based information gathering Grid Mechanisms :MONAlisa Look at making components with hooks: –C++ API –Caching interfaces –DBServer

19 February 2004SAMGrid Project Review Conclusions D0 and CDF reliant on Grid JIM deployment on Track for March and June milestones. FNAL has a huge role to play in the Grid if it can work together and technically address problems.