Learning Objective : Make predictions using our prior knowledge 3-5 ELD: Make predictions
What will we make today? We will make predictions using our prior knowledge
Share with your partner what the wolf is about to do? What is your evidence?
Prediction: a statement of what somebody thinks will happen in the future Prior Knowledge: what you already know (back ground knowledge) Example: The grey clouds covered the sky. Strong winds blew through the town. A loud rumble roared thru the air. You can predict that a storm is coming by using your knowledge about storms.
It is important to make predictions: You can understand reading better It keeps us interested in what we are reading
Paragraph 1 The students stood still as the American flag hung motionless in the summer air. They placed their right hands over their hearts. The announcer at the microphone said, “ Ready, begin.” We can predict using our prior knowledge that A.Students are preparing to eat lunch B.Students are preparing to state the pledge of allegiance C.The students were about to race D.Students were getting ready for a test Step 1 : Read the text carefully Step 2: Use your prior knowledge to form an opinion about what will happen next. Step 3: Circle statement that reflects the best prediction based on prior knowledge.
Paragraph 2 For weeks Marco and Allison talked about getting a pet. Marco wanted a dog for protection. Allison wanted a cat because she felt they would make a better companion. On day Allison went shopping when she came home she heard barking in the house. We can predict using our prior knowledge that A.Allison will be happy because she hears a barking sound. B.Marco decided not to get a dog. C.Marco bought a cat. D.Marco bought a dog home. Step 1 : Read the text carefully Step 2: Use your prior knowledge to form an opinion about what will happen next. Step 3: Circle statement that reflects the best prediction based on prior knowledge.
Paragraph 3 When Maria came home she took out some ground beef and seasoning. She formed the ground beef into little round patties and placed them on the stove. She placed a slice on cheese on the patty. After the patties where done cooking she place the patties with cheese between two slice buns. She also place a lettuce and tomatoes between the buns. We can predict using our prior knowledge that A.Maria going to eat a hot dog B.Maria is going to enjoy a hamburger C.Maria will eat a taco Step 1 : Read the text carefully Step 2: Use your prior knowledge to form an opinion about what will happen next. Step 3: Circle statement that reflects the best prediction based on prior knowledge.
Step 1 : Read the text carefully Step 2: Use your prior knowledge to form an opinion about what will happen next. Step 3: Circle statement that reflects the best prediction based on prior knowledge. Paragraph 4 As Mary was watching her favorite television show she heard a recognizable sound coming from outside. She dashed to the window and saw a truck with music coming down her street. She also spied children dashing towards the truck playing the familiar tune “Ring around the Rosie.” As she hurried to her piggy bank, thoughts of ice cream filled her mind. We can predict using our prior knowledge that A.Mary is going to the bank B.Mary is going outside to play with the children C.Mary is going to purchase ice cream from an ice cream truck.
Let’s Practice Making Predictions Independently!