9 th April 2014
Scope The scope of media work will cover a period of seven months commencing April 22 nd 2014 and ending November 22 nd The geographical coverage will be national - covering the entire country.
Objectives: The overall objective of the proposed project is to support the engagement of the public in the Constitutional Review Committee’s (CRC) work. The Specific Objectives are: to provide increase media coverage on the activities of the CRC; to increase women participation in the constitutional review process; to increase youth engagement in the constitutional review process to include disability issues in the constitutional review process to provide feedback on the CRC through media programmes
The SLBC will partner with : Jamcast Productions for producing dramas, jingles, spots messages and theme song 15 community radio stations to provide airtime for programmes
DistrictRadioTVSMS 1Western Area Urban SLBC/ Star Radio/Radio Democracy SLBC TV Sign Africa Airtel/Africel 2Western Area Rural SLBC/ Star Radio/Radio Democracy Airtel/Africel 3PortLoko Radio Bankasoka /Star Radio Airtel/Africel 4Kambia Star/Radio Kolenten Airtel/Africel 5BombaliSLBC/Star RadioSLBC TVAirtel/Africel 6TonkoliliSLBC/Star Radio Airtel/Africel 7KoinaduguRadio Bintumani Airtel/Africel 8BoSLBC/K ISS 104SLBC TVAirtel/Africel 9Moyamba KISS 104/Radio Modcar Airtel/Africel 10PujehunRadio Wanje Airtel/Africel 11BontheRadio Bontico Airtel/Africel 12KenemaSLBC/KISS 104SLBC TVAirtel/Africel 12KonoSLBC Airtel/Africel 14KailahunSLBC Airtel/Africel Geographic Map Coverage: 15 radio stations and TV stations covering all 14 Administrative Districts in the country (national coverage).
Meetings 3 pre-meetings & 7 monthly stakeholder (CRC,UNDP) meetings
Television Theme song – 2- 4mins(1) “Alive with CRC” – 60mins(28) “TV Drama Series” – 15mins(7) “We Yus” – 60min(7) “Face to Face with Law”- 60min(28) TV Commercial in 7 languages (3) Broadcast Hours TV = 126hrs
Radio 7 jingles in 7 languages – sec(49) Radio Drama series- 15mins (14) CRC Weekly rotational discussions – 60mins(28) Broadcast Hours Radio = 429hrs
SMS Broadcasts Africel and Airtel will send out 11 batches of text messages Month 1 = 4 (Airtel and Africell), Month 2 = 1 (Africell), Month 3 = 1 (Airtel) Month 4 = 1 (Africell), Month 5 = 1 (Airtel), Month 6 = 1 (Africell) and Month 7 = 2 (Airtel and Africell)
SLBC CRC MEDIA SENSITIZATION WORK PLAN 2014 Project Duration (7 Months)M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7OutputBroadcast Hrs Pre-meeting with staff/CRC/partners xxxx 4 Monthly Meetings with UNDP/CRC xxxxxxx7 Radio Programming Production of Theme Song (2") x 1 Production of 60" jingles xxxxxxx7 Translation of 60" Jingles in 7 languages xxxxxxx49 Airing of 60" jingles on 15 stations xxxxxxx20,05034 Production of Radio Drama (15") xx 14 Drama Translation in 7 languages xxxxxxxx49 Airing of drama episodes on 15 stations xxxxxxx CRC Weekly Rotational/Regional Discussion xxxxxxx28 TV Programming Alive with CRC (TV Discussion) xxxx 28 We Yus (Live) xxxxxxx77 Face to Face (Live) xxxx 28 Production of TV Commercials in Krio x x x3 TV Commercial 60" Airing xxxxxxx2,52042 Production of TV Dramas xxxxxxx7 Airing of TV Dramas on 3 SLBC TV Stations xxxxxxx8421 SMS Broadcasts SMS Broadcasts on 2 GSM Networks xxxxxxxxxxx11 Travels with CRC xxxxxxx7 Monitoring and Evaluation Monthly monitoring &Text Mssg Reports xxxxxxx7 Quarterly &Final Report x x 3
SLBC will deploy 2 staff to accompany and support the CRC in sittings around the country for 7visits. SLBC staff will collect materials during outreach and edit them for radio and TV broadcasts SLBC will organize regional discussions in community radios to support CRC sittings on location.
The programme designs will sought the views, comments and opinions of citizens with particular emphasis on the following groups: Youth groups, Women groups, Disability groups, Paramount chiefs and traditional leaders, Minority ethnic groups Religious leaders, Political parties and opinion leaders to generate programme content and feedback.
Report from 14 radio monitors The SLBC will maintain two dedicated phone lines to receive and collate SMS comments during radio and TV programmes from the public for submission to CRC on a monthly basis. Monthly meetings with CRC (information sharing, planning and feedback) Quarterly and final reports