Around the picture of the policeman you are given, note down as many different roles you can think of. How far have these roles changed over time? Compare your version with p.126 (Wilkes) starter activity How true are the ‘Peelian Principles’ today? Picture of policeman
How has the role of the police changed in the C20th? TBAT explain 5 key roles of modern police To assess how their role has changed over time Learning objectives Key words: ‘Bobby on the beat’ Neighbourhood Watch
Watch this clip from a famous BBC police drama which began in the 1950s. What image of policing does this project? How influential do you think TV dramas like this were on shaping public opinions in the C20th? How have they changed today? Starter
Your task Read p Under the subheading ‘Changing attitudes to the police’ note down attitudes at these times: Read p Under the subheading ‘Changing attitudes to the police’ note down attitudes at these times: 1950s 1950s 1960s 1960s 1970s 1970s How far have attitudes changed/remained the same today? How far have attitudes changed/remained the same today?
Extension task What does the Stephen Lawrence case tell us about policing in the UK? Why is the story still in the news today?
Discussion Do you have more or less confidence in the police today? Why? Picture of policemen and women
How has the role of the police changed in the C20th? TBAT explain 5 key roles of modern police To assess how their role has changed over time Learning objectives Key words: ‘Bobby on the beat’ Neighbourhood Watch