TV Drama Revision Representation Starter Listen to ‘Geezers need excitement’. Cross gender (taking on a male role if you’re female) and visa versa. Note down every reference to your new gender to analyse the representation of males and ‘Geezers need excitement’.
TV Drama Revision Representation: What kind of realism is being attempted by the programme? Who is being represented in the drama (who is present), and how? Is there a dominant ideology (world-view) being presented? What cinematic techniques convey these representations?
Mark Scheme Analysis Use of Examples Use of Terminology MUST comment on all 4 areas: Mise en Scene, Editing, Camerawork, Sound.
Representation Areas of representation that you could be asked to comment on will be chosen from the following: Gender Age Ethnicity Sexuality Social Class Physical ability / disability Regional identity
Camerawork Movement = pan, tilt, track, zoom Angle = high, low, close up Shots = establishing, POV, over the shoulder
Mise en scene Location, set, props, costume, lighting, colour design
Sound Asynchronous, synchronous, sound effects, dialogue, voiceover, theme tune, diegetic, non-diegetic, sound bridge.....
Editing TRANSITION OF IMAGE AND SOUND Cutting, dissolve, jump cut, match on action, slow motion, long take, short take, eyeline match, wipe, insert, montage, crosscutting What would you say about the editing in this clip? wIco wIco
Spooks Editing Long take coupled with close ups and mysterious breathy/ monotone music (creates intrigue, sense of danger.) Audio changes to add organ/ choir music (sense of fate, death, associated with spiritual realm) Long tracking take to establish location and give a sense that someone is watching/ following Quick shots/ short takes of watch, hand, movement – suggests panic intercut with long scenes of Ruth watching – suggests perhaps she’s the victim? Eyeline match suggests they are linked. Audio building up (volume increases) adds haunting sense suggests death is near...
How to take notes.... Divide into four and then split into two Write while you watch z4 z4 Our observation round on ‘Waterloo Road’ 2/practice-quaestion.html 2/practice-quaestion.html
Observation Round 1.What colour was the vase that was shot? 2.What colour was the lampshade? 3.What camera angle followed Janeece down the hall? 4.What was Maxine wearing on her legs? 5.What does Earl say when he’s stroking Maxine’s hair? 6.Maxine says “everything you touch gets....” 7.What camera angle is used directly after Maxine has been shot? 8.How many fences does Earl jump over? 9.How many blue cars are shown at school? 10.How many police cars are at the scene?
1.White 2.Gold and maroon 3.High angle 4.Long white socks 5.I’d do anything for you 6.Poisoned and twisted 7.ECU on eyes 8.Three 9.Four
Cranford Analyse the representation of class: rd-extract How is the representation of class constructed in the extract? What affects the representation of class? (accent, clothes, lighting, props, camera angles)
Monarch of the Glen – Representation of age arch-of-the-glen arch-of-the-glen
Editing – examiners report This proved to be the most problematic for candidates and the one technical area of analysis that was often omitted in candidate’s answers. Most candidates who addressed editing were able to address the type of transitions used and could comment on the pace of the editing. Weaker candidates often omitted any discussion of editing or offered quite simplistic accounts of how editing was used, for example in the use of quick succession cuts and short takes when the community takes apart the fishing hut at the end of the sequence. More able candidates could analyse technical issues of editing by way of analysis of the ellipsis, accounting for how the extract collapsed a series of events, for example, in explaining the narrative to represent Amy as a ‘troubled’ teenager who had no option left but to run away from school and then the home of Paul McDonald; then candidates were then able to comment on pacing, the use of continuity, most often through the shot reverse shot compositions in the extract and some through the use of sound as well. These candidates cleverly discussed how soundbridges were constructed through the use of non-diegetic music in the representation of age, for example, the stringed mood music representing the gloomy prospect that Amy faces, or the use of upbeat music to represent the happiness of the small rural community.
How to Revise ry/representation/ ry/representation/ Watch any 5 min extract from TV Dramas you like and particularly ones you don’t Identify terminology Identify comments to make on all 4 areas Choose an area of representation and practise, practise, practise......