Kingdom Protista The “Catchall” Kingdom
Three Divisions Animal-like- Protozoans Plant-like- Algae Fungus-Like- slime molds
Protozoans Means “first animal”- evolutionary term Animal-like Microscopic Unicellular or colonial Usually motile Heterotrophic Aquatic-ponds, lakes, moist soil, blood Exchange gasses with environment Reproduce asexually by fission
Protozoan Classification Classified by locomotion Four Phylum Sarcodina Sarcodina Ciliaphora Ciliaphora Sporazoa Sporazoa Zoomastigina Zoomastigina
Phylum Sarcodina Lack of body shape Flexible plasma membrane surrounding cytoplasm ectoplasm- just inside membraneectoplasm- just inside membrane endoplasm- interior of animalendoplasm- interior of animal Ameboid movement by pseudopods- “false foot” pseudopods- “false foot” taxes- response to stimulitaxes- response to stimuli Pseudopod also captures food food
Phylum Ciliaphora Cilia- hairlike projections Propel the organism toward food Propel the organism toward food Move food toward organism Move food toward organism Slipper shape Pellicle- outer covering Pellicle- outer covering Macronucleus Macronucleus Micronucleus- functions during reproduction Micronucleus- functions during reproduction Oral groove- food channel Oral groove- food channel Contactile vacuole- star shaped- release excess water Contactile vacuole- star shaped- release excess water Asexual reproduction as well as sexual conjugation
Reproduction Asexual-binary fission- cell division Sexual- conjugation- along oral groove oral groove
Sporazoans No means of locomotion All parasites
Plasmodium falciparum- Malaria Carried by Anopheles mosquito
Plasmodium Life cycle
Phylum Zoomastigina (Flagellates) Phylum Zoomastigina (Flagellates) One or more flagella Most live in ponds, lakes Some live in hosts as a parasite parasite Paranema
Trypanosoma Carried by tse-tse fly tse-tse fly Causes African African sleeping sleeping sickness sickness
Giardia lamblia “hikers disease” May be found in crystal clear crystal clear streams streams Boil water for at least 15 minutes least 15 minutes “Beaver Fever”
Trichonympha Lives in termite gut to digest wood digest wood Symbiotic relationship
Algae Plant-Like Protists Autotrophs Benefits- Base of Food Base of Food Chain Chain Perform 70% of Perform 70% of Earth’s photosynthesis Earth’s photosynthesis
Multicellular- Classified by Color RED GREEN- spirogyra BROWN- kelp
Unicellular Algae- Euglenas Freshwater algae Both producer and consumer
Unicellular Algae- Diatoms More oxygen produced than from any other organisms Many uses www. cid= &ei=rZKdS8bW MYygqQO62t2KDA& q=diatomaceous+eart h&hl=en# www. cid= &ei=rZKdS8bW MYygqQO62t2KDA& q=diatomaceous+eart h&hl=en# www. cid= &ei=rZKdS8bW MYygqQO62t2KDA& q=diatomaceous+eart h&hl=en#
Other Algae- Dinoflagellates Live in ocean Some cause Red Tide Some are bio- luminescent
Red Tide Red Tide Overgrowth of algae Produces toxins that may kill fish and sicken people Karenia brevis (Dr. Karen Steidinger)
Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates Glow when agitated Found in only a few places in the world gellates-bioluminescent- algae.html gellates-bioluminescent- algae.html gellates-bioluminescent- algae.html
Other Algae Fragallaria