Setting up a Lab Notebook


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Presentation transcript:

Setting up a Lab Notebook Friday August 16, 2013

STARTER Put in order the steps of the Scientific Method Draw a conclusion Form a hypothesis Design an experiment State a problem collect and record data STARTER

STARTER- answers Put in order the steps of the Scientific Method State a problem Form a hypothesis Design an experiment Collect and record data Draw a conclusion STARTER- answers

In all fields of science, experimenters keep notebooks In all fields of science, experimenters keep notebooks. Frequently, it’s the only proof they have to prove they’ve performed an experiment. As a result, it’s vital that lab notebooks be carefully managed so that people doing follow-up experiments can reproduce and verify the data collected. One of the most important things about lab notebooks is that they’re honest. If you do an experiment and it works out, everything in there needs to be 100% true so that others can follow the lab. If an experiment doesn’t work out, a good lab notebook can save others many hours of time by showing them what doesn’t work in an experiment. No matter what, lab notebooks need to be complete, even if the results are poor. Why have a lab notebook?

Setting up a Lab Notebook Sections in a Lab Notebook Title Page Table of Contents Numbered Lab Pages Glossary Starters Setting up a Lab Notebook

Researcher: ________________________ Indian Woods Middle School Ms Researcher: ________________________ Indian Woods Middle School Ms. Fulbright’s _____ Grade Science Class 08-16-2013 – 06-01-2013 Title Page

Four pages after the title page for a table of contents. Name of Lab Date of Lab Pages Table of Contents

All labs need to be in the following format on numbered pages. Purpose: Background: Variables: Hypothesis: Materials: Procedure: Results: Conclusion: Numbered Lab Pages

AT LEAST thirty pages from the end, begin this section. Glossary

AT LEAST twenty pages from the end, begin this section. Starters

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