Presentation to Northern Ireland Polymer Association Cost Control : Cost Management : Risk Managed Portfolio Thursday 3 rd May 2012
3 Agenda M & C Overview Product offerings What we do for Northern Ireland Contact Details for follow up
4 Worldwide Presence: 24 / 7 OPERATIONS OVER 500 EXPERTS OVER 4,000 CLIENTS WITH A COMBINED ENERGY SPEND OF OVER £8bn 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE 21 OFFICES IN 15 COUNTRIES M&C has over 35 years’ experience in serving energy consumers around the world, and have developed an in-depth knowledge of our clients’ businesses, helping to guide them through the challenges and pitfalls of the energy markets safely – these relationships continue to grow from strength to strength.
5 The utilities partner of choice for major brands Working with M&C: Making energy work for you
6 Our Services: PROCUREMENT Cost Control Cost Management Corporate Procurement Cost SMART WE MAKE ENERGY WORK HARDER COMPLIANCE Enterprise Information Environment Services Intelligence Services Assurance Services WE MAKE ENERGY WORK SMARTER PERFORMANCE Demand Side Management Investment Appraisal Efficiency Services Project Services WE MAKE ENERGY WORK BETTER ELECTRICITY | GAS | WATER | CARBON | FUELS | COAL | WASTE The New World - Transforming Your Data
7 M&C Risk Managed Portfolio
8 Developing procurement products outside the standard offering Aiding the end user in managing variable contracts Negotiating with current suppliers, and encouraging new entrants Projecting the impact of changes in use of system charges, both at consultation & decision Challenging the regulator on the differential on the SEM NI versus ROI What we do for our clients in Northern Ireland
9 Challenging Use of System - NI v ROI Use of SystemROINIResult DUOS 19,44637,42917,982 TUOS 19,36610,971-8,395 SEM Charges 100,400106,4646,064 Other 0 CCL 65 % Exempt 8,424 PSO 6,75619,65212,896 System Support Service Charge 16,118 Electricity Tax2,084 -2,084 LEU rebate kWh -23,123 23,123 LEU rebate kVa -3,318 3,318 Total£121,611£199,058£77,447
10 Sam Cooke Human Resources Manager The driver for using an energy consultant was need to ensure we were getting the best deal available What attracted me to M&C Energy Group was the fact that there was no upfront costs, no hidden costs, but simply if you save me money we share it The process was very simple, in fact so simple that I had my doubts about the credibility of the process The outcome for us was M&C certainly delivered on the energy procurement, still awaiting out come on 2011 bill checking M&C achieved a saving of £16k on Electricity compared to my previous supplier Canyon Europe
11 Oonagh Piner National Account Manager For further information contact