NDR 9 New Delhi, India Geological Survey of the Netherlands NDR 9 Country Report The Netherlands
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India2 National Geo-data Centre of the Netherlands – DINO Based on the Energy and Mining policy of the Dutch Government All data & information obtained by public funding should be made easy accessible to the Dutch citizens at marginal costs Released data & information will stimulate economic activities.
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India3 Dutch Energy Policy Gaswinningsbrief 2004
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India4
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India6 The Dutch Subsurface: An Excellent Enabler for the Energy Transition Underground Gas Storage - Workvolume: to cover difference between summer and winter - Gas Roundabout for Europe – Transition from producing to trading - Security of supply C02 Storage - Enhanced production - Kyoto protocol/Climate Change - Mitigation of Subsidence Geothermal Energy - The form of sustainable geo-energy Offshore Wind Energy
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India7 7 Workshop 4.5 SDI in national government. Dutch geographic key registers National Geo-information Infrastructure GIDEON Goals: To make GEO information the cornerstone of the electronic government To create 6 geo key registers To implement inspire into laws, infrastructure and standards To stimulate education, use, cross-use of geo information
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India8 Easy available Geo-Information: The Dutch Government, some facts and figures The Dutch government with regards to geo-information is organized in: 6 ministries1.000 employees 15 governmental agencies1.200 employees 12 provinces 250 employees 25 water boards 400 employees 441 municipalities1.800 employees Total4.600 employees employees in public sector using key registers based on Geo datasets contact moments between citizen and government (all levels) where GEO info is the basis. Observations: Collecting and maintaining is done locally and regionally There is overlap between sectors and regions Difference in quality between sectors and regions No central guidance
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India9 9 Workshop 4.5 SDI in national government. Dutch geographic key registers Program ‘Different Government’
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India10 Workshop 4.5 SDI in national government. Dutch geographic key registers Drivers to change Efficiency Reducing Costs of operation Fewer costs and Deregulation for citizens and companies EU INSPIRE Directive Multiple use of space in 3D Crisis management Environment and Water management The need to work together between sectors
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India11 Workshop 4.5 SDI in national government. Dutch geographic key registers Implementation Strategy INSPIRE GIDEON policy National Urgency Program for infrastracture Key Geo Registers Standards and regulations
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India12 Adresses (BRA) en buildings (BGR) Cadaster (BRK) en topography (BRT) Large scale base map (GBKN) Cables and wires digging activities (grondroerdersregeling) Registration of cables Key register Subsurface (BRO) Geology en Soil Environmental Quality Archaeology Infrastructures
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India13 What does this all mean for DINO?
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India14 DINO Key register of the Subsurface Environ. quality Infrastructures LNV VROM Archeology OCW Energy policyV&W EZ Spatial planning Water management Nature conservation Land Use BZK Safety and security Soil Remediation
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India15 DINO in transition - to the next level of maturity 2009 – 2013: -Transition of DINO to the key register of the Subsurface -Transition of the Soil database (BIS) into the DINO database -PDOK Public Service on the map Integration of the major geo-datasets into one stop internet shop to access governmental geo spatial data for free – 2016: -Add all environmental quality data in DINO -Add all archeological data into DINO
1 September 2009NDR 9 New Delhi, India16