United Nations Development Programme Oslo Governance Centre The “Missing Governance Links” Draft framework to integrate governance into MDG-based planning By Marie Laberge
United Nations Development Programme Oslo Governance Centre Why this framework? How does it work? Is it useful? Outline
United Nations Development Programme Oslo Governance Centre Why this framework? Minimal integration of governance in MDG-based planning – Why? Shortcomings in the process: Stand-alone working group on governance: mainstreaming? Shortcomings in the MDG methodology: Missing costs Distorted costs
United Nations Development Programme Oslo Governance Centre The chains of assumptions in the MDG policy design How does it work? Inputs MDG needs assessment tool Outputs MDG targets & indicators Sustainable, pro-poor outcomes Voice & accountability channels in place? Democratic deficit Capacity deficit 1. Missing governance links 2. Empowerment check
United Nations Development Programme Oslo Governance Centre Ex.1: High maternal mortality rate Capacity deficitDemocratic deficit To deliver services effectively (Competency of civil service) Long reimbursement delay (after giving birth) for transportation costs to nearest healthcare facility (therefore women unable to take advantage of this provision)? AffordabilityProvision to exempt poorest mothers from paying for life-saving medicine / treatment (e.g. transportation costs reimbursement to give birth at nearest healthcare facility) Empowerment check: Poor mothers’ awareness of their entitlement? + transparency
United Nations Development Programme Oslo Governance Centre Example 2: Gender inequality Capacity deficitDemocratic deficit Effective service delivery (Competency of civil service) Gender sensitive training for local authorities? Represen- tation (Affirmative action policies) Formal requirement for a gender focal point in each ministry represented at local level? Local council has women’s caucus? Empowerment check: Women’s ability to speak in public & to affect decisions? + Participation Empowerment check: Effective treatment of complaints related to gender discrimination? + Accountability
United Nations Development Programme Oslo Governance Centre Ex.2: Inequality in natural resource ownership Capacity deficitDemocratic deficit To facilitate participatory planning (Promotion of civic engagement) How many CBOs/NGOs with interest in natural resource management have received technical / financial support from local gov? Transparency (Freedom of information legislation) Access to info on natural resource ownership in the district (% land ownership, logging concessions controlled by richer households)? Empowerment check: Accessibility of this info by the poor, in a user-friendly format (e.g. resource map)? + Adapted Empowerment check: CBOs/NGOs participate in decision-making / monitoring / audits? + Participation + Representation