Buffing Up Use of Assets
Ideas for using 1% central set aside
What resources are needed to implement the ideas for strengthening family involvement? Personnel -Community Representative-classified -Family Liaison-certified -Childcare providers-Title I vans and/or drivers -Before or after contract pay for teachers to facilitate parent workshops, home visits, phone calls, accompany families on field trips (Saturdays), professional development training specific to engaging families Supplies -Book sets to practice reading strategies for different genres -Manipulatives/Materials for families to practice math skills at home -Bus to transport families to college night at TCC, book festival -Light refreshments-$7.50 per person maximum, requires pre-registration, sign in, receipts, blanket grocery requisition limit is $
Accessing Title I Central Funds School Administrators & Administrative Support Staff may access and direct use of Title I Central Funds by: Creating PAF’s to pay staff Ensure timely processing of associated pay records, including timesheets, bi-weekly justifications, work logs (kept at the local site); or other required payroll documents Inputting requisition’s through Lawson with Central Funds Budget Codes – supplied to the office managers & principals Ensuring all necessary procurement backup documentation is attached Monitoring the use of Title I Central Funds
Accessing Title I Central Funds Community Representatives & Family Liaison’s may support use of Title I Central Funds by: Reminding the site administrator & administrative support staff that these funds exist and what types of expenditures are allowable. Actively engaging families and leveraging funds to encourage engagement. Keep an informal budget to track the site expenditures.
Academic Family Engagement Heavy Lifting
Academic Family Engagement in children’s education affects student achievement because students are more likely to: earn high grades and test scores, and enroll in higher- level programs pass their classes, earn credits and be promoted; attend school regularly; exhibit better social skills in school behavior graduate and go on to postsecondary education.
Unitary Status Plan How will you identify students who are struggling, disengaged, and or at risk of dropping out and students who face challenges because of a lack of access to technology? Programs ALE’s, UHS College and Career K-12 Culturally relevant courses Educational options for ELL’s Resources District Family Center Curricular and Student Support Services Student Engagement Support-academic, behavioral Dropout prevention Practices Complaint process Student discipline Culturally relevant practices
Knowing the benefits of family engagement? What does it look like in my school plan? Standards & Rubrics for School Improvement SStandard 4: The school functions as an effective learning community, supports a climate conducive to student achievement and possesses an effective two- way communication system SStrategy-Academic Family Engagement AAction Step-Teacher teams will meet with families XX times a year for 1 hour workshops. They will share student data & strategies families can use to target specific skills.
Samples of Action Steps Lezotte : Data Dashboard to inform the ongoing health of the home school partnership Decrease total number of out of school suspensions from ___ to ___ Decrease number of office referrals, (loss of on task learning time) from ___ to ___ Student Support Increase the attendance for parent conferences, number of families using parental access from ___ to ___ Increase number of respondents who complete the School Quality Survey from ___ to ___ Family Engagement
Key Questions How will you inform parents of the school plan? How will you use your money to build parental capacity to support their student’s academically? How will you measure the effectiveness of the family component?
Documenting Your Title I Program Family Engagement Program Documentation Beginning of Year Documentation Title I Annual Meeting Parent’s Right to Know Current Parent Policy Current Parent Compacts Where is it stored at your school? How are we gathering this program documentation centrally? Partnership Model Family Engagement staff will be asking for and collecting it from you. Program Staff will be checking for it – Principal Title I Blue Documenation Binder Leveraging Family Engagement Staff Work Joint Conversations with Program & FE & Sites 1.How does your school distribute these documents? 2.Where, When, How? Have you considered adding them to student enrollment packets? How about website posting?
Family Support- Central Services School Support 21 st Century- Parent Child Reading Writing Club Science Night Support Pueblo/Fall; Booth-Fickett/Spring Parent Services Parent University Classes and Academic Content Workshops District Advisory Council (DAC) Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) Math & Parent Partnerships – MAPP’s Staff Support Monthly Staff Training for School Support Personnel/CR, LSC, FL