Activities since last IPM Website launched New course is offered to different Faculties Engineering Faculty Technical Education Faculty Education Faculty Faculty of Theology Faculty of Art Social Science Institute Social Science Institute and Natural Science Institute give advantage for people with disability who wants to make MBa and MSc.
"The partnership has an obviously sound working relationship, and all partners are proactive in ensuring that the project objectives will be met." The Yahoo site as an example of "good practice" “The project has several innovative elements." e.g: – Social policy and Disability course (lecturer) is accepted by different Faculties – A Questionnaire is distributed to SME’s to get their opinion and suggestions about Increasing Employability of Disabled People –Using principles of anti-oppressive practice "..the key strength of the project lies in its transnationality and the commitment and expertise of the partnership."
Presentation to NA Start-up seminar Presentations to Community Groups Collected & collated: – financial reports – timesheets
Meeting with head of Turkish National Members A report is written and presented to Mr Koksal Toptan to act and encourage the members of parliament for Disability issues.
Potential challenges (from last IPM) Keeping the website up-to-date Involvement of community organisations Keeping to reporting schedule
Potential challenges Work package development & delivery in Turkey and Bulgaria Involvement of community organisations onto Steering Group
VALUE OF DISSEMINATION EVENT A Meeting is organised by different LdV Project representatives at Okalip Meeting Centre in Istanbul at 24th September Around 50 people joined the meeting from different countries (e.g., Bulgaria, England, Greece, Malta, Belgium, Romania) Representatives from SME’s and NGO’s were also attended the DE. People with disability and disadvantaged groups are discussed on a panel on 24 September at Okalip Centre in Istanbul. There were around 50 people representing four different project partners, governmental bodies and NGO’s for the Dissemination event. Representatives from United Kingdom, Turkey, Belgium, Greece, Bulgaria, Malta and Romania joined the DE.
The discussions are summarized as: For partnerships Importance of Turkish colleagues taking opportunities to develop partnerships Effective partnerships depend not just on money, but on relevant partners that engage key stakeholders at all levels Vitally important to show the impact of project’s outputs
Mainstreaming and training Mainstreaming –Disabled children should be moved into ‘inclusive’ education as quickly as possible –Importance of educating parents to be more inclusive too –Assistive technology can be a great enabler –Disabled people should be included in mainstream VET, training and employment
Training for: –disabled people –Teachers and trainers to develop their inclusive practice –Employers to develop their inclusive practice and offer genuine, not tokenistic opportunities
Wider issues Disability is one disadvantage amongst many (e.g. needs of migrants in Malta) Importance of ensuring that educational provision meets the needs of all learners Complementarities across existing projects Importance of clear branding and capitalising on known brand names, e.g. SCIPS Business case for employing disabled people – use the whole talent pool in each country