EU-Mexico Policy Dialogue and Seminar in Higher Education International credit mobility: objectives, challenges and tools in Erasmus+ Maria Sticchi Damiani
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) was developed in 1989 within the Europen Union has been adopted as a national credit system by the 48 member countries of the European Higher Education Area it is now a requirement for HEIs’ participation in the Erasmus+ mobility Programme The new ECTS Users’ Guide (2015) has just been published!
ECTS is a learner-centered system based on the outcomes of the learning process rather than the inputs of teaching learning time rather than contact hours ECTS credits express the volume of learning based on defined learning outcomes their associated workload Learning outcomes are statements of what the individual knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process Workload is an estimation of the time the individual typically needs to complete all learning activities required to achieve the defined learning outcomes in formal learning environments
Based on the ECTS system, 60 ECTS credits correspond to the learning outcomes and associated workload of a full time academic year. Based on national provisions, the workload for academic year ranges in most cases from 1500 to 1800 hours. So, one credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of work.
ECTS credits are used to facilitate the planning and delivery of study programmes the transparency of programmes the recognition of the learning achievements of mobile students
When designing a study programmes Credits are first allocated to the whole programme on the basis of the general learning outcomes defined for it and then to its single educational components according to the estimated workload required to achieve the defined learning outcomes for each of them. When delivering a study programme Teaching/learning and assessment activities are developed in such a way as to be fully consistent with the learning outcomes to be achieved and with the learning time provided to achieve them. Flexible learning paths are provided in order to accommodate different needs and learning styles When describing a programme through the use of the ECTS course catalogue The programme is made transparent in a standard format both to national and international students.
When participating in the Erasmus+ mobility programme The period of study abroad is planned by the home institution with the mobile student, and a Learning Agreement is signed before departure, aiming at the achievement of a set of learning outcomes, which are compatible/complementary - not necessarily equivalent - with those of the home programme; the acquisition of an adequate number of credits, which does not necessarily involve the one-to-one correspondence of single educational components in the two institutions. All credits included in the LA that are gained abroad - if certified by the host institution through an official Transcript of Records - are automatically recognized by the home institution upon return of the student and used to satisfy specific requirements of the home qualification.
TO CONCLUDE The use of ECTS credits contributes to enhancing the relevance, internal consistency and transparency of study programmes provides a flexible approach to the recognition of the learning achievements of students abroad, intended to enrich the home programme with different approaches and insights