Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Labour on the Amendments Proposed by The Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises as at 19 November February 2014
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES BILL [B38B – 2012] 2 CLAUSES 35 and 45 1.Section 35 subsection 9 of the Bill is amended to read “If the Chief Executive Officer is for any reason unable to perform his or her functions, the Board may designate a person in the service of the Board to act as the acting Chief Executive Officer until the Chief Executive Officer is able to resume office or until the Board appoints a new Chief Executive Officer”. This insertion is meant to deal with an unfortunate situation where the Chief Executive Officer is permanently unable to resume office due to any reason. 2.Section 45 subsection 3 is amended to read “If the Chief Executive Officer of Protected Employment Enterprises is for any reason unable to perform any of his or her functions, the Minister must, in writing, appoint another person as acting Chief Executive Officer until the Chief Executive Officer is able to resume those functions or until the Minister appoints a new Chief Executive Officer”. This insertion is meant to deal with an unfortunate situation where the Chief Executive Officer is permanently unable to resume office due to any reason. 8 December 2015
Thank You… 38 December 2015