What is Destination Imagination? DI is a project-based learning educational program. A fun hands-on system of learning that enables participants to achieve their highest potential. Participants gain knowledge and experience in the skills needed for the 21 st Century workforce including: Project Management Financial Management Time Management Presentation skills Collaboration Conflict resolution Creative and Critical thinking Perseverance Completion Mindset
The Destination Imagination Program Destination Imagination ® (DI) participants learn the collaborative problem solving process while solving open-ended Challenges. The Challenges provide an opportunity for students to apply their academic knowledge and learn additional life skills: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) Skills Service Learning Skills Project Management Skills
150,000 participants each year 1.5 million DI Alumni 38,000 Volunteers worldwide cumulatively contribute more than 750,000 hours to support the program. 48 States & 30 countries More than $100,000 in Scholarships given each year Over 17,000 students compete in the Global Finals Tournament each year. International Program
When and where do teams participate? After School Programs, Clubs, & Enrichment Programs Incorporated into the classroom curriculum and as Elective Classes Teams can be formed by Schools, Parents, Community Groups, Clubs, and Organizations Friends and neighbors form teams and meet in homes, garages, community centers, etc.
Participation Teams participate and compete based on their age or grade level.* Pathways (ages 3 to 6, non-competitive) Rising Stars! (Preschool-2 nd grade, non-competitive) Elementary (K to 5 th grade) Middle (6 th to 8 th grade) Secondary (9 th to 12 th grade) University (Post-Secondary students) *A team’s competition level is determined by the age/grade of the oldest team member.
Team Managers Each team must have an adult Team Manager Team Managers help students stay on track but do not directly help the team develop its solution to the Destination Imagination (DI) Challenge Roadmap provides lesson plans for meetings to help guide you Team Managers may be teachers, parents, friends, family members, scout or youth group leaders, etc. SVDI Face-to-face Training California On-line Training
The Destination Imagination Program DI Program Season is September through May. Teams develop a solution to one Team Challenge. Teams typically spend two to six months: Team Building Skill Building Practicing Instant Challenges Developing & Practicing their Team Challenge solution
Program Overview Team Challenges There are seven new Team Challenges from each year. Each Team Challenge has a different learning focus. Most Team Challenges have a Team Choice Element scoring requirement that allows a teams to choose what is scored. This enables a team to show off their team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
Technical Team Challenge Pace of Change The Technical Challenge prompts students to complete tasks by using engineering, research, strategic planning and related skills. Design and build a vehicle able to carry at least one team member across the presentation site multiple times. Change the vehicle propulsion system and the vehicle movement method during the presentation. Create and present a story about change. The story will include a change in a character. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
Scientific Team Challenge In Plain Sight The Scientific Challenge blends the research and curiosity of science with the thrill and creativity of the theater arts. Research the many ways that camouflage is used by organisms in nature. Showcase camouflage research in the visible appearance of an organism. Create and present a story with a plot twist that is caused by the use of camouflage. Apply camouflage methods to an original, team- designed and created set piece or prop. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
Fine Arts Team Challenge Get A Clue In the Fine Arts Challenge, students flex their acting and artistic muscles as they explore some of our most fascinating works of literature and media. Present a mystery story set on Earth in a team-chosen time period before Discover, live on stage, which of the three suspect characters is responsible for the mystery. Include a TechniClue that helps solve the mystery. Present in the style of traverse staging. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
Improvisational Team Challenge Close Encounters The Improvisational Challenge is all about spontaneity and storytelling. Teams receive topics and produce skits right on the spot. Research Challenge-provided confined spaces. Create and perform a four-minute improvisational presentation within a confined space. Show how characters work together to address a news flash. Integrate a mysterious stranger and a team- created miscellaneous prop into the presentation.
Structural Team Challenge Musical Mashup The Structural Challenge asks teams to design, build and test load-bearing structures out of specific materials. Design and build a structure that both supports weight and is a musical instrument. Play a musical solo using the structure as a musical instrument. Tell a story with at least one musical character. Integrate the story with the weight placement testing of the structure. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
Service Learning – Project OutreachTeam Challenge The MEME Event The Service Learning Challenge is designed to engage students in community service to address real community issues through personal expression. Use the creative process to identify, design, plan, and carry out a project that addresses a real community need. Plan and carry out at least one community event that is designed to help meet the project goal(s). Create an effective meme to help meet the project goal(s). Create a live presentation that highlights the project and the impact it made on the community. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength and talents.
Early Learning Rising Stars! Team Challenge Change in Direction Rising Stars! is a Challenge created for early learners. To solve the Challenge, 4- to 7-year-old children work together on performances complete with characters, props and scripts. Learn about maps and how they are helpful to people. Create a play that is about a journey your team is on. Make a change in direction at some point during your play. Make a map to help your team on your journey.
Instant Challenges AT THE TOURNAMENT At a tournament, a team will receive an Instant Challenge and the materials with which to solve it. The team members must think on their feet to produce a solution in a period of just five to eight minutes. Instant Challenges are performance-based, task-based, or a combination of the two. Instant Challenges are kept confidential until the day of the tournament.
Teams present their Team Challenge solution and solve an Instant Challenge at: Regional Tournaments. Affiliate (State or Country) Tournaments. Global Tournament (International). Top scoring teams in each level of the competitive Challenges at a tournament advance to the next level of tournament. Tournaments
At Tournaments, each team presents their Team Challenge solution to Appraisers and a live audience. Each team also solves an Instant Challenge where they must think on their feet to produce a solution in a short period of time – usually 5-8 minutes. Tournaments
The DI Program Season 2-4 Weeks Building your Team Understanding the Challenge 2-4 Weeks Generating and Incubating Ideas/Research/ Inquiry 2-4 Weeks Focusing/ Preparing for Action/Putting it All Together 2-4 Weeks Ready, Set, Go! Preparing for your Tournament Support: Team Manager Training sessions; SVDI Coffee Talk Support: Team Manager Training sessions; SVDI Coffee Talk Support: Instant Challenge Skills Workshop for teams; SVDI Coffee Talk Support: Instant Challenge Skills Workshop for teams; SVDI Coffee Talk Support: Team Manager Walkthrough; SVDI Coffee Talk Support: Team Manager Walkthrough; SVDI Coffee Talk Support: DI Skills Workshop for Team Managers; SVDI Coffee Talk Support: DI Skills Workshop for Team Managers; SVDI Coffee Talk Silicon Valley Regional Tournament
Volunteering is FUN and Rewarding! The California Destination Imagination program is administered entirely by Volunteers.
Volunteers are Valued! Your role as a California Destination Imagination Volunteer is important and valued. There are volunteer roles available at every level of the organization. Training sessions are available locally for Team Managers and Appraisers.
Each Team MUST have the following volunteers to participate in a California Destination Imagination tournament: At least One Team Manager over 18 years old and no longer in high school. Mentor Destination Imagination teams. Training opportunities available. May have Assistants and Co-Team Managers. One Trained Appraiser required for Regional Tournament. One Trained & Experienced Appraiser required for Affiliate Tournament. Assess the teams’ Presentations at tournaments. Person to person training provided and required. At least One Tournament Volunteer Assist with various jobs that help make tournaments successful. FUN & Rewarding Volunteer Roles
Why should you and your child participate in Destination Imagination?
No one cares more about your child’s education than you do! The Destination Imagination Program is key to enriching your child’s education and preparing them for the future…
Visit and “Get Involved” by Starting a Team! Purchase a Team Number: Purchase online at Select California as the Affiliate: First Unique Team Number: $180 Additional Unique Team Numbers: $145 Rising Stars! Team Numbers: $145 Pathways Program: $199 Complete California Registration at Silicon Valley Regional Fee varies. It is based on when the team’s California Registration is completed on-line at Start a Team!
Silicon Valley Calendar Team Manager Training Part 1: Oct. 14 – 7:00-9:00 pmNov :00 – 9:00 pm Part 2 & RS: Oct. 21 – 7:00-9:00 pmNov. 10 – 7:00-9:00 pm October & November Training sessions at DeVargas Elementary Instant Challenge Workshop for Teams – Nov. Country Lane Elementary Event Registration required & begins October 17, 2015 DI Skills Workshop for Team Managers – Dec. DeVargas Elementary Event Registration required & begins November 7, 2015 Early-bird Registration – Dec. 10, $150 Team Manager Walkthrough & Registration Deadline -- $200 Walkthrough Jan. 9, 2016 – 8:30 am – 12:00 pm – DeVargas Elem. Late Registration Deadline – Jan. 23, $300 Appraiser Training - Jan. 30 & Feb. 6 from 8:30 am – noon – Bubb Elem. SVDI Regional Tournament – Mar. 5, 2016 – All Day – Independence High California Affiliate Tournament – April 2, 2016 – All Day – Riverside, CA $200 Affiliate Tournament fee per team
Resources Web Sites Destination Imagination (DI) California Affiliate (CalDI) Silicon Valley Region (SVDI) California Silicon Valley Regional Web Site Join & be an active member of the SVDI Team Manager Forum Group Visit often for updates on local events Regional Tournament Registration & Merchandise Forms, & Information Regional Tournament Information General Information, Maps, Schedule, Volunteer Assignments Regional Director – Mary Jane Campbell Regional Board & Challenge Masters