Working Group 3 Summary: V td, V ts, and Friends Jeffrey Berryhill Laurent Lellouch Mikolaj Misiak Christoph Paus CKM Workshop, UCSD March 18, 2005 K BsBs B
2 Buchalla Theoretically “Gold-Plated” relations of BFs to t = V td V ts * K + → rate ~ |V td V ts *| 2 Theory error in |V td | extraction from BF ~10% mostly parametric errors from m c, V cb Only 5% error from scale dependence K L → rate ~ (Im t ) 2 ~ 2 Theory error in extraction from BF ~3% V td V ts * from Rare K Decays: K + → , K L → V td V ts * from Rare K Decays: K + → , K L → K et al.
3 K K+→ Measurement Status Blind analysis 3 candidate events in the signal box Background probability = (>3 ) Jaffe BNL E787/E949: Stop kaon, measure outgoing pion Aggressively and redundantly veto huge backgrounds No new data expected 15% precision improvement from final analysis SM
4 Rare K Decays: Summary K Interesting SM-like precision is years away K + signal in the right range
5 K K 0 Mixing: Theory Precision
6 K
7 BsBs
10 B s Mixing Measurements Amplitude scan Fit D*A*cos( m t) at fixed m Expect A=1 for real m, 0 otherwise Sensitivity: m such that A =1 95% CL: m such that A A = 1 CKM fits expect m s ≈ ps -1 BsBs World average “Amplitude scan” m s > 14.5 ps -1
11 DØ B s Mixing in Semileptonics Limit: m s > 5.0ps CL Sensitivity: 4.6 ps –1 BsBs B s D s X (460 pb –1 ) –D s –Enhanced opposite side tag –7037 events (376 tags) – D 2 =(1.17 0.04)% Abbott
12 CDF B s Mixing in Semileptonics B s D s + lepton (e/ ) –D s , K*K, –4355 events –Trigger: 4GeV e/ + track –Opposite side flavor tags e, ,jetcharge D 2 =(1.43 0.09)% Limit: m s > 7.7ps CL Sensitivity: 7.3 ps –1 BsBs For both CDF+D0, semileptonic decays rapidly lose ct resolution at realistic m s Furic
13 CDF Hadronic B decays Furic BsBs
14 B s Mixing, Roadmap to Improvement More integrated luminosity Better flavor tagging (same-side K tag) Improve proper time resolution (event-by-event vertexing) Hadronic decays matter more for larger m s D0 tracking upgrade (add small radius silicon this summer) DAQ/trigger/offline upgrades Peril: can present trigger efficiency be maintained at high instantaneous luminosity? BsBs Abbott D0 projections
15 Friends of B s mixing: leptonic D decays BsBs Ryd CLEO-c measurement of D+ mn Extract f(D + ) from D + → decay rate 30k fully reconstructed ’’→ D + D - events 8 signal events with missing mass = 0 Can improve to 3% precision for f(D + ) f(D s + ) 2% precision expected from (3770)→D s + D s - running ( and ) CLEO-c BF(D + → ) = 3.5 ± 1.4 ± f(D + ) = 202 ± 41 ± 17 MeV LAT = 225 ± 13 ± 21 MeV D decay constants and their ratios check or bound errors of lattice estimates of B decay constants
16 Friends of B s Mixing: B mixing and lifetime BsBs Mixing and lifetimes from B factories could ultimately improve by another 2x HFAG average Asymmetry vs. | t| Further improvement in B 0, B + lifetime and B 0 mixing from B factories Hastings < 1% B factory precision on lifetime and mixing Belle D* l hadronic Belle D* l hadronic
19 Friends of B s Mixing: recent lifetimes progress BsBs Abbott s s : new D0 measurement consistent with predictions New DØ result s / s = (stat.+syst.) Constrain Bs =1.39 ps s / s = (stat.+syst.) Tarantino Recent predictions and measurements exhibit no serious “lifetime puzzle” HFAG measurements Predictions
20 Radiative Penguin Radiative B decays : penguin diagram Sensitive to New Physics b s process has been studied. Branching fraction. Charge and isospin asymmetry. Mixing induced CP asymmtery. But, b d is not observed yet. ● suppressed by |V td / V ts | 2 in SM. ● Search for B , has been done. ~ 0.04 B Nishida
21 Search for B , B Search for B + + , B 0 0 , B 0 Isospin relation B( B ( , ) ) B (B + + ) = 2( B + / B 0 ) B (B 0 0 ) = 2( B + / B 0 ) B (B 0 ) SM prediction: B( B ( , ) ) = ( ) × Analysis ● Severe continuum background. ● b s (esp. B K * ) background. ● Non-negligible BB background. Simultaneous fit to 3 modes (+ B K * ) B Nishida
22 b d Branching Fractions: Exclusive central value90% C.L. upper limit B Combined significance Belle+BaBar = 2.6 5 observation in 1-2 years Nishida
23 B Bosch
24 B Bosch Inclusive ratio b →d /b →s better theory errors for V td /V ts, but might need SuperB factory
25 B Friends of , K* : Other Penguins Other Penguin Decays Hollar, Feldmann B →K(*)ll, s ll branching fractions measured by B factories and theory error already dominant More will be learned from distributions and asymmetries B→ ll has possibility for observation at B factories (not background limited) ll much harder
26Challenges A list of future challenges to the Workshop participants.
27Challenges To the Tevatron: Now that you have a good shovel, break substantial new ground with it for m s constraints. BsBs Upgrades, better tagging, better vertexing, more luminosity, better DAQ, Whatever it takes! The flavor physics community is cheering you on!
28Challenges To the Lattice community: Raise the “letter grade” above “C” level for f B, B B et al., so that the impact of future Tevatron results is maximized. BsBs Andreas Kronfeld To CLEO-c et al.: Continue to keep the lattice community honest!
29Challenges To the B factories: Measure a clear signal for B→ or drive lower limit off the (CKM) map! B
30Challenges To the heavy quark theory community: Improve and/or realistically bound the impact of penguins on V td /V ts et al. The measurements are there and ready to be exploited now! B
31Challenges To the Kaon physics community: Keep your future projects alive (and Andrzej out of retirement). The small theory errors mean these may ultimately be the best attainable CKM constraints on V td and . K