Belle-II Data Handling working group status Junghyun Kim, Daejung Kong Kihyeon Cho* (High Energy Physics Team, KISTI) 1 Korea Belle II meeting SNU, Seoul, Korea * Corresponding Author
Contents KISTI Supercomputing center Activities of Belle II DH working group Problems of Belle Data Handling Status of Belle II Data Handling Plan 2
3 응용지원실 융합자원실 응용지워팀 선도연구팀선도연구팀 슈퍼컴 자원팀 연구망 자원팀 사이버인프라 응용연구자 KISTI 슈퍼컴퓨팅 본부 SC-SP SMB 팀 과학기술정보보호팀 차세대연구환경개발 실 기반기술개발실 HEP 연구 팀 응용환경개발팀 응용서비스팀 서비스기반기술팀 e-Cell 팀 NSDC 구축팀 과학기술융합망팀 GEOSS 팀 일반 사용자 전략분야 사용자 서비스기술 사용자 협업가시화팀 e-Science 그 리드기술개발팀 Ref. 이지수본부장 ( )
4 Who is who? 고에너지물리연구팀 (Physicists) – 조기현 ( 팀장 ) – 김정현, 공대정, 남수현 e-Science 그리드 기술개발팀 (Developers) – 황순욱 ( 팀장 ) – 유상수, 김유상, 김남규, 안선일 등 NSDC 구축팀 (Computing Technicians) – 장행진 ( 팀장 ) – 김법균, 유진승, 윤희준, 권석면, Christopher 등 Other teams – 김현우, 이상동, 김정한, 홍태용 등
Belle II DH Working Group Group Leader: K. Cho Participants: J.H. Kim, D.J.Kong, Thomas Kuhr, Takanori Hara, Tom Fifield, Nishida Shohei, Martin Sevier, Henryk Palka KISTI AMGA group: Sunil Ahn, Soonwook Hwang 5
Group Activities Data Handling Working Group Meeting –May 27, :00-17:00 –Contents Define meta data Extraction of meta data Interaction between AMGA and Tom’s activities Discussion – Attributes of meta data –Existing Belle database –SAM metadata structure (CDF/D0) –Different levels of metadata 8
Group Activities Belle II Computing Meeting Report: –Feb. 17, 09 - Introduction of AMGA (Dr. Hwang) –April 17, 09 - Plan (Dr. J.H. Kim) –May 20, 09 - DH Scenario (Dr. J.H. Kim) –June 16, 09 - The architecture in AMGA (Dr. J.H.Kim) 9
Problems of Belle Data Handling DH based on PHP, HTTP and postgreSQL No Grid Durability Scalability SAM, SRB (No Grid) AMGA (Grid) Working with KISTI AMGA group 11
Belle II Data Handling Scenario Attribute of Meta Data Architecture 13
Extraction of Attributes Done Doing 16
Total used data Exp#7, Run , uds MC Extraction of information 17 ? Stream
-rw-r--r-- 1 cho hep 125 May 25 12:57 mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.list -rw-r--r-- 1 cho hep May 25 12:57 mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.log -rw-r--r-- 1 cho hep 373 May 25 12:57 mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.lum File from MDST 1)***. list => Logical file location 2)***.log => Properties of events 3)***.lum => File (Run) information The information 18
on_resonance]$ more mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.list bfss08:/bdata/mcprod/dat/e000007/evtgen/uds/00/all/0807/on_resonance/28/evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.mdst on_resonance]$ more mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.log 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 1 ; 3 ; 3 ; 0 ; 1 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 5 ; 4 ; 4 ; 1 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 6 ; 5 ; 4 ; 3 ; 0 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 2 ; 5 ; 4 ; 2 ; 1 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 8 ; 3 ; 4 ; 1 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 9 ; 0 ; 2 ; 0 ; 0 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 7 ; 6 ; 5 ; 3 ; 1 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 12 ; 2 ; 2 ; 1 ; 4 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 10 ; 6 ; 6 ; 1 ; 0 2: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 4 ; 4 ; 4 ; 1 ; 4 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 11 ; 1 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 13 ; 5 ; 5 ; 4 ; 0 3: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 3 ; 5 ; 5 ; 3 ; 1 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 15 ; 6 ; 5 ; 2 ; 0 2: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 14 ; 4 ; 3 ; 1 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 16 ; 8 ; 8 ; 4 ; 1 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 19 ; 4 ; 4 ; 2 ; 1 3: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 17 ; 3 ; 7 ; 3 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 20 ; 3 ; 4 ; 0 ; 0 2: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 18 ; 5 ; 4 ; 5 ; 2 ……….. => Dummy; Dummy; Exp.#; Run#; Evt.#; Total #of positive charged track; Total # of negative charged track; Total # of Ks; Total #of KL => Logical file location 1) ***.list 2) ***.log 19
on_resonance]$ more mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.lum Exp Run #evts Lum #evts/lum 4S Continuum 3S above 4S other Total On4S lum. = 3.15 Continuum Lum. = 0 3S Lum. = 0 Above4S Lum. = 0 Other Lum. = 0 Exp.#, Run#, Total # of events, Total Lum./file, #evts/lum, Luminosity type => File information 3) ***.lum 20 => Any suggestions about attributes?
Architecture of AMGA 21
Plan MC & Real data test with AMGA –Using Belle flat form –Writing and Reading Long Term –Prototype Oct Birger visit KISTI for two weeks (7/8/09) –Hand down AMGA to KISTI AMGA group –Questions on AMGA 26
Questions on AMGA Scalability –8 million events * 50 times Durability –How many users? Performance –How fast? 27
Backup 28