Belle-II Data Handling working group status Junghyun Kim, Daejung Kong Kihyeon Cho* (High Energy Physics Team, KISTI) 1 Korea Belle II meeting SNU, Seoul,


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Presentation transcript:

Belle-II Data Handling working group status Junghyun Kim, Daejung Kong Kihyeon Cho* (High Energy Physics Team, KISTI) 1 Korea Belle II meeting SNU, Seoul, Korea * Corresponding Author

Contents KISTI Supercomputing center Activities of Belle II DH working group Problems of Belle Data Handling Status of Belle II Data Handling Plan 2

3 응용지원실 융합자원실 응용지워팀 선도연구팀선도연구팀 슈퍼컴 자원팀 연구망 자원팀 사이버인프라 응용연구자 KISTI 슈퍼컴퓨팅 본부 SC-SP SMB 팀 과학기술정보보호팀 차세대연구환경개발 실 기반기술개발실 HEP 연구 팀 응용환경개발팀 응용서비스팀 서비스기반기술팀 e-Cell 팀 NSDC 구축팀 과학기술융합망팀 GEOSS 팀 일반 사용자 전략분야 사용자 서비스기술 사용자 협업가시화팀 e-Science 그 리드기술개발팀 Ref. 이지수본부장 ( )

4 Who is who? 고에너지물리연구팀 (Physicists) – 조기현 ( 팀장 ) – 김정현, 공대정, 남수현 e-Science 그리드 기술개발팀 (Developers) – 황순욱 ( 팀장 ) – 유상수, 김유상, 김남규, 안선일 등 NSDC 구축팀 (Computing Technicians) – 장행진 ( 팀장 ) – 김법균, 유진승, 윤희준, 권석면, Christopher 등 Other teams – 김현우, 이상동, 김정한, 홍태용 등

Belle II DH Working Group Group Leader: K. Cho Participants: J.H. Kim, D.J.Kong, Thomas Kuhr, Takanori Hara, Tom Fifield, Nishida Shohei, Martin Sevier, Henryk Palka KISTI AMGA group: Sunil Ahn, Soonwook Hwang 5



Group Activities Data Handling Working Group Meeting –May 27, :00-17:00 –Contents Define meta data Extraction of meta data Interaction between AMGA and Tom’s activities Discussion – Attributes of meta data –Existing Belle database –SAM metadata structure (CDF/D0) –Different levels of metadata 8

Group Activities Belle II Computing Meeting Report: –Feb. 17, 09 - Introduction of AMGA (Dr. Hwang) –April 17, 09 - Plan (Dr. J.H. Kim) –May 20, 09 - DH Scenario (Dr. J.H. Kim) –June 16, 09 - The architecture in AMGA (Dr. J.H.Kim) 9


Problems of Belle Data Handling DH based on PHP, HTTP and postgreSQL No Grid Durability Scalability  SAM, SRB (No Grid)  AMGA (Grid)  Working with KISTI AMGA group 11


Belle II Data Handling Scenario Attribute of Meta Data Architecture 13



Extraction of Attributes Done Doing 16

Total used data  Exp#7, Run , uds MC Extraction of information 17 ? Stream

-rw-r--r-- 1 cho hep 125 May 25 12:57 mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.list -rw-r--r-- 1 cho hep May 25 12:57 mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.log -rw-r--r-- 1 cho hep 373 May 25 12:57 mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.lum File from MDST 1)***. list => Logical file location 2)***.log => Properties of events 3)***.lum => File (Run) information The information 18

on_resonance]$ more mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.list bfss08:/bdata/mcprod/dat/e000007/evtgen/uds/00/all/0807/on_resonance/28/evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.mdst on_resonance]$ more mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.log 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 1 ; 3 ; 3 ; 0 ; 1 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 5 ; 4 ; 4 ; 1 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 6 ; 5 ; 4 ; 3 ; 0 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 2 ; 5 ; 4 ; 2 ; 1 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 8 ; 3 ; 4 ; 1 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 9 ; 0 ; 2 ; 0 ; 0 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 7 ; 6 ; 5 ; 3 ; 1 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 12 ; 2 ; 2 ; 1 ; 4 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 10 ; 6 ; 6 ; 1 ; 0 2: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 4 ; 4 ; 4 ; 1 ; 4 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 11 ; 1 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 13 ; 5 ; 5 ; 4 ; 0 3: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 3 ; 5 ; 5 ; 3 ; 1 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 15 ; 6 ; 5 ; 2 ; 0 2: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 14 ; 4 ; 3 ; 1 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 16 ; 8 ; 8 ; 4 ; 1 1: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 19 ; 4 ; 4 ; 2 ; 1 3: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 17 ; 3 ; 7 ; 3 ; 0 0: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 20 ; 3 ; 4 ; 0 ; 0 2: Parameters ; 7 ; 2865 ; 18 ; 5 ; 4 ; 5 ; 2 ……….. => Dummy; Dummy; Exp.#; Run#; Evt.#; Total #of positive charged track; Total # of negative charged track; Total # of Ks; Total #of KL => Logical file location 1) ***.list 2) ***.log 19

on_resonance]$ more mcprod-on_resonance-evtgen-uds-00-all-e000007r b _1600.lum Exp Run #evts Lum #evts/lum 4S Continuum 3S above 4S other Total On4S lum. = 3.15 Continuum Lum. = 0 3S Lum. = 0 Above4S Lum. = 0 Other Lum. = 0 Exp.#, Run#, Total # of events, Total Lum./file, #evts/lum, Luminosity type => File information 3) ***.lum 20 => Any suggestions about attributes?

Architecture of AMGA 21





Plan MC & Real data test with AMGA –Using Belle flat form –Writing and Reading Long Term –Prototype Oct Birger visit KISTI for two weeks (7/8/09) –Hand down AMGA to KISTI AMGA group –Questions on AMGA 26

Questions on AMGA Scalability –8 million events * 50 times Durability –How many users? Performance –How fast? 27

Backup 28