ECONOMICS GRADUATE PROGRAM at NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY An interdisciplinary program offered by the Department of Economics (Econ) and the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE) Encompasses two Colleges College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) College of Management (COM) Gives students access to over 25 graduate courses and 50+ graduate faculty Fields of specialization
DEGREE TRACKS Master of Economics (MR) 30 credit hours Coursework Only – non thesis Applied and Policy Analysis Track ECG 505 Applied Microeconomics ECG 506 Applied Macroeconomics ST 512 Experimental Statistics II or ST 514 Statistics for Social Sciences II ECG 561 Intermediate Econometrics ECG 562 Topics in Applied Econometrics ECG 580 Economic Writing 4 elective courses to include two from ECG
Fall ISpring I ECG 505ECG 506 ST 512 or ST 514ECG 561 ECG elective Fall IISpring II ECG 562ECG 580 elective DEGREE TRACKS Master of Economics (MR) 30 credit hours Coursework Only – non thesis Applied and Policy Analysis Track
ECG 700 Fundamentals of Microeconomics ECG 703 Fundamentals of Macroeconomics ST 421 Mathematical Statistics I ST422 Mathematical Statistics II ECG 750 Introduction to Econometric Methods 5 additional courses to include three from ECG DEGREE TRACKS Master of Economics (MR) 30 credit hours Coursework Only – non thesis PhD Preparatory Track
Fall ISpring I ECG 700ECG 703 ST 421ST 422 ECG 765 or electiveECG 750 Fall IISpring II ECG elective elective (ECG) DEGREE TRACKS Master of Economics (MR) 30 credit hours Coursework Only – non thesis PhD Preparatory Track
Micro-Macro Sequence AppliedTheory ECG 505 – ECG 506ECG 700 – ECG 703 Statistics-Econometrics Sequence AppliedTheory ST 512 or ST 514ST 421 – ST 422 ECG 561 – ECG 562ECG elective courses to include 3 ECG courses (optional 6 hours of ECG 695 – cannot replace ECG electives) Thesis (written document and oral exam) DEGREE TRACKS Master of Science (MS) 30 credit hours
DEGREE TRACKS Doctoral Degree Hours Required 72 hours for doctoral students entering without a masters degree 54 hours for doctoral students entering with a masters degree (18 hours transfer from previous masters degree) 36 hours of coursework; remaining hours gained through research hours associated with writing stage (ECG 895 or ECG 899)
DEGREE TRACKS Doctoral Degree Core Courses (year 1) Microeconomic Theory Sequence ECG 701 Microeconomics I ECG 702 Microeconomics II Macroeconomic Theory Sequence ECG 704 Macroeconomics I ECG 705 Macroeconomics II Econometrics Sequence ECG 751 Econometric Methods ECG 752 Time Series Econometrics or ECG 753 Microeconometrics Field Courses (year 2) 6 field courses which must include two 2-course sequences
DEGREE TRACKS Doctoral Degree Other Requirements Written Comprehensive Examination Microeconomic Theory Written Comprehensive Examination Macroeconomic Theory Summer I Preliminary Oral Defense and Proposal Defense Spring following completion of Field Courses Final Oral Defense Written Dissertation
Core Year Fall ISpring I or 753 Summer Immediately Following Core Year Comprehensive Written Exams in Microeconomic Theory And Macroeconomic Theory Field Courses Fall IISpring II Field Course I Field Course 2 Field Course 3 Field Course 4 Field Course 5 Field Course 6 Fall IIISpring III Research Hours or Additional electives Research Hours or Additional Electives Preliminary Oral Exam and Proposal Defense DEGREE TRACKS Doctoral Degree Additional Semesters Research Hours or Additional Electives to complete dissertation and reach required credit hours
MINORS Most departments offer graduate level minors at masters and doctoral level Most popular minor is in statistics Requirements for Statistics Minor Masters Level 9 hours PhD level 18 hours Our 561, 562, 751, 752, 753 are qualifying courses within the requirements for Statistics minor
ACCESS Unity ID and Password Unity ID: first initial of first name, first initial of middle name, first 6 letters of last name. Unity Password: last 4 digits of student ID number (the 000 number), followed by the two digit month and day of birth 515-HELP or MyPack Portal The MyPack Portal is the University’s one-stop access point for information. All-Campus Card must be registered first Talley Student Center identifies you as a member of the NC State community used to access services around the campus, including meal plans, AllCampus Account purchases, gym access, and the library
REGISTRATION Register via MyPack Portal Registration dates opens early each semester for graduate students Registration after appropriate dates constitutes late registration and fee See Registration & Records website for registration date Registration after Census Date violation of continuous registration expulsion by Graduate School requires reapplication for following semester See Registration & Records website for Census Dates
GSOARS New online tracking method for graduate student progress Accessed via Once per semester, need to update progress through GSOARS Easy means of determining student interests Easy means of generating CV when job market approaches Easy means of identifying students for RA support
LIBRARY The NCSU Libraries offer a variety of services tailored to the needs of graduate students and researchers. The services include research consultation service, workshops, GIS and data services, graduate study rooms, and many others. Registration for our Fall 2013 Workshops is open:
TRANSPORTATION Parking Parking permits can be applied for through MyPack Portal Cost to the students Cost varies according to location of parking space For fees, application: Wolfline Campus bus transportation Free to students Multiple Stops,Frequent Stops
HOUSING Off-Campus Housing University Housing holds apartment guides for off-campus housing Several complexes on Wolfline Requests for roommates posted on Econ Grad website Campus housing is scarce Applications for on-campus housing at
NC RESIDENCY Full information at Domestic students should apply for NC residency for tuition purposes after being in the state for at least 12 months While there’s no guarantee that residency will be granted, the following actions will work in your favor. Begin these actions, where possible, at the beginning of the 12 month period NC drivers license Bank account NC auto registration Register to vote Personal property tax (auto, etc) State income tax Home property tax Involvement in community (professional organizations, religious organizations, volunteer work, etc.)
IMPORTANT DATES & Access to Information EMPOWER YOURSELVES: Bookmark the following links for dates and information. All Graduate School Policies and links to appropriate forms and information can be found in the Graduate School Administrative Handbook. This information is completely accessible to you. Graduate school calendar link: Graduate School Administrative Handbook: Census Date Late Registration Application for Graduation Deadlines for final oral exams Deadline for submission of final, error free copy of dissertation
OTHER Tips For Success Regular workshop attendance Regular study hours Study groups Graduate Program Website Workshops Career Resources Forms
STATEMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL FUNDING for STUDENTS WHO ENTER UNFUNDED All students who enter the program without funding (both domestic and international) should be fully prepared to absorb the full cost associated with completing your graduate degree at NC State University. There is ABSOLUTELY NO guarantee that funding will be available or offered during your tenure at NC State. However: Students who enter the program without funding will become eligible for funding consideration once they pass written comprehensive examinations in microeconomic theory and macroeconomic theory. There are only two opportunities allowed to pass these written exams. 2) There is some small chance for exceptional students to get funding the year immediately following a pass on the written exams, but these students will be competing against all other unfunded students who have also passed written exams. 3) Odds for funding increase in subsequent years, especially for students who are doing particularly well in the program academically. 4) Students who are offered funding will be appointed as either teaching assistants or research assistants. All assistantships consider the student's previous academic performance; research assistantships are further based on ability of the student to contribute to a research project (this usually means strong computer and econometric skills) and the match in interests between the student and the professor directing the project. 5) Students who receive funding will be bound by the funding eligibility time limits imposed by the University.