doc.: IEEE /484r0 Submission November, 2003 Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke, IMECSlide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Wireless Body Area Networks] Date Submitted: [7 November, 2003] Source: [Julien Ryckaert] Company [IMEC] Address [Kapeldreef 75 B-3001 Leuven Belgium] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [This document is a response to a Call For Application from the IEEE P ALT PHY Study Group] Abstract:[This document presents Wireless Body Area Network as an application example for the IEEE P ALT PHY ] Purpose:[Application requirements for the IEEE P SG4a Call For Applications] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE /484r0 Submission November, 2003 Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke, IMECSlide 2 CFA response: Wireless Body Area Networks Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke Bert Gyselinckx / Stephane Donnay IMEC
doc.: IEEE /484r0 Submission November, 2003 Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke, IMECSlide 3 Wireless Body Area Network EEG Hearing ECG Blood Pressure Toxins glucose Implants Vision DNA protein positioning Cellular POTS WLAN Network WBAN
doc.: IEEE /484r0 Submission November, 2003 Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke, IMECSlide 4 Medical Applications (ex: Wireless EEG) Monitoring : (e.g. epilepsy or sleep) Early warning system: (recognize and warn patient of upcoming seizure) Hospital computer WBAN WLAN 24 channels 12 bit resolution per channel 256Hz sampling rate per channel Raw data rate: 24x12x256 = 74kbits/s (data rate could be reduced by pre-processing in the sensor) Other related applications: ECG, EMG, …
doc.: IEEE /484r0 Submission November, 2003 Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke, IMECSlide 5 Fitness Applications (ex: Wireless Oximeter) 2 channels 8 bit resolution per channel 10Hz sampling rate per channel Raw data rate: 2x8x10 = 160bits/s Other related applications: heart beat monitoring, …
doc.: IEEE /484r0 Submission November, 2003 Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke, IMECSlide 6 BAN as an anticipated application This application fits in one of the anticipated applications defined for IEEE a: “Healthcare applications, e.g. remote sensors, healthcare monitoring, locating assets/staff, workplace safety”
doc.: IEEE /484r0 Submission November, 2003 Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke, IMECSlide 7 Application characteristics Low data rates kbps Generic sensors Scalability of the data rate Low power consumption ~1mW active Low duty cycle ~10uW average power consumption (~1% duty) Short range ~1m Small size SoC Safety Medical data’s
doc.: IEEE /484r0 Submission November, 2003 Julien Ryckaert / Bart Van Poucke, IMECSlide 8 Conclusion: Need for a new wireless Standard! No standard meets the requirements for wireless communication at ultra-low power for low and scalable data rate in short-range. New approach for the channel modeling is required Optimization for ultra-low power rather than for high data rate Review of the tradeoffs New standard required