WELCOME TO HA405: UNIT 5 Tami Ford, M.A.
Are there any questions so far?
Chapter 1: The Leadership Imperative We need due to challenges and obstacles in healthcare today. “…is the need for healthcare executives to enhance their understanding of the forces at play in the industry and the way they manage through these changes” (Dye, 2010, p. 4).
Current Trends What are some current trends in health care today? See Exhibit 1.1 for some ideas (Dye, 2010, p. 5).
Common Obstacles In the healthcare industry, what are some common obstacles? What would be an imperative action to the obstacle? “An imperative action is a step that a leader may take to overcome the obstacle” (Dye, 2010, p. 6).
Chapter 2: The Values-Based Definition What does “leadership” mean to you? “Leadership is a living phenomenon; therefore, it is expected to shift shape according to its purpose and the demands of its followers and environment. This adaptability to change is probably why a definition has been so elusive for many people” (Dye, 2010, p. 14).
Theories of Leadership By Jon Kotter, A Force for Change “Leadership versus Management Theory…leadership is different than management because leadership is a process that focuses on making organizational changes, while management is primarily concerned with control and results” (Dye, 2010, p. 15).
Continued… Comprehensive Theory By Ralph Stogdill, Stodgill’s Handbook of Leadership He argued “that leadership is any of the following: A focus of team processes Personality and its effects The art of inducing compliance The exercise of influence…” (Dye, 2010, p. 15)
Continued… Competency-Based Leadership Theory “…suggests that leaders must show knowledge, skills, and abilities in several areas, such as communications and business.” (Dye, 2010, p. 16).
Continued… Process Theory Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki, Organizational Behavior “…describe leadership as a ‘social influence process I which the leader seeks the voluntary participation of subordinates in an effort to reach organizational goals’ “ (Dye, 2010, p. 17).
Continued… Contingency Theory “…all leadership behaviors are dependent on three primary vehicles: Leader Followers Situation” (Dye, 2010, p. 18).
Values “…are ingrained principles that guide behaviors and thoughts” (Dye, 2010, p. 19). “Personal values affect how a leader perceives and is perceived by others” (Dye, 2010, p. 20). “Team values are the collective rights and wrongs of a group” (Dye, 2010, p. 21).
Impact of Values Unconscious incompetence-’You don’t know that you don’t know’ Conscious incompetence-’You know that you don’t know’ Conscious competence-’You know that you know’ Unconscious competence-’You don’t know that you know’ (Dye, 2010, pp ).
Chapter 3: The Senior Leader Challenge “Because the senior leadership team functions as the primary decision makers and establishes the mission, vision, values, culture, and practices of an organization, it set the tone and pace for organizational change and improvement”. “The leadership challenges in healthcare have been similar for many years, focusing on finance and quality (Dye, 2010, p. 27).
Organizational Factors Complex Organizational Structure Haphazard Executive Search Process Litigious Environment Fast Pace of Change Lack of Time Lack of Shared Vision (Dye, 2010). Reference: Dye, Carson F. (2010). Leadership in healthcare: Essential values and skills (2 nd ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Questions? Good luck with your week! Thank you and good night Questions? Good luck with your week! Thank you and good night