C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District Presented by Training Event CNH Member Relations Committee WEAK/STRONG CLUB How to make a weak club T.H.R.I.V.E
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education What makes a strong club? T raining H ealthy Relationships R eactivation I nclusiveness V olunteering E ncouragement
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education T is for Training Before the term begins make sure… EVERY officer in the club is properly trained and prepared for their term. The Immediate Past (IP) officer has prepared his/her successor During the term make sure… Officers are attending training conferences (OTC, RTC, etc…) Officers are completing quality, ON-TIME submissions Officers have someone to ask questions After the term ends make sure… Officers are preparing his/her successor
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education T is for Training T is also for TREASURER Make sure the club treasurer is enforcing membership dues and that they are sent to the District before December 1 st DUES
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education H is for Healthy Relationships Communicate with your officers, members, Faculty Advisors, Kiwanis Club, Lt. Governor, and District leaders. All Kiwanis branches are an important aspect of Key Club. They have helped Key Club thrive; giving us life advice, sharing experiences, and are happy to help us in our times of need. Reach out to the other branches of Kiwanis Try organizing a joint service project… helping out a shelter - park clean-up donating canned goods - bake sale for PTP Kiwanis One Day - inter-social
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education R is for Reactivation If your club did not pay their dues on time then you may be listed as a “suspended” or “inactive” club. Inactive Clubs If your club is “inactive,” membership dues are late Contact your faculty advisor, Kiwanis advisor and Lt. Governor about paying dues Be sure to pay dues before September 30th or the charter will be revoked Suspended Clubs Suspended clubs have not paid dues on time When a club is suspended you must re-charter the club Re-charters are $100 Each club must have 15 or more members to charter or re-charter Communicate with your Faculty advisor, Kiwanis advisor, and Lt. Governor
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education I is for Inclusiveness CORE VALUES Of KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL Leadership, Character Building, Inclusiveness, Caring Ice breakers should include everyone Break down the wall between members & officers Understand the importance of member recognition Help members experience their “ Key Club moment,” when they realize that we are apart of something larger than one person Advertise the pros of joining Key Club – Becoming a part of a family ; we are an organization that cares for one another – Gaining leadership skills such as communication skills, and teamwork – Developing life skills; use of technology, organization, event planning, etc. EVERY. MEMBER. MATTERS.
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education V is for Volunteer While the social aspects of Key Club are fun, don’t lose sight of what we are and stand for… “We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide” -KEY CLUB VISION What does this mean? When members are volunteering they should be respectful and mindful of their actions as they can reflect upon their club, division, region, district, or even Key Club International as a whole. Keep members interested by organizing service projects And meeting with members in mind Also, make sure all members have a safe, responsible ride to and from any Key Club event. Their safety should be your #1 concern!
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education E is for Encouragement Encourage members to run for an officer position. If they have just finished their term, push them to go for a higher position. For example, if a member was a club editor… Club Editor Division News Editor District News Editor If they run/apply and are not elected/appointed encourage them to… Apply for the Division Leadership Team Apply for a District Leader or Coordinator position Go for a district award (there is an award for everyone)
CNH | California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education Reminders Remember why you joined Key Club and spread that love and passion. We are a family that cares for one another We are developing future leaders of the world We participate in community service to help make the lives of others better We are improving the world one service hour at a time
12/8/ California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Education CNH | ? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!