18.4 Color Section 18.4 - Part 2 Note Presentations continued with video...


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Presentation transcript:

18.4 Color Section Part 2 Note Presentations continued with video...

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. ResourcesChapter menu Additive Color Mixing Section - Color Chapter 18 Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept 3/vc04/hk615_03_v04fs.htm

18.4 Color The three primary colors of light are red, green, and blue. When any two primary colors combine, a secondary color is formed. Mixing Colors of Light

18.4 Color If more than one color of light is reflected from a surface, the colors of light mix. When colors of light mix, they add to form a new color. Each secondary color of light is a combination of two primary colors. The secondary colors of light are cyan, yellow, and magenta. The Colors of Objects

18.4 Color If you add a primary color to the proper secondary color, you will get white light. (Watch for the light white in clips.) Two colors of light that combine to form white light are complementary colors of light. A complementary color pair is a combination of one primary color and one secondary color. The Colors of Objects

18.4 Color What are the primary colors of pigments? Mixing Pigments The primary colors of pigments are cyan, yellow, and magenta.

18.4 Color A pigment is a material that absorbs some colors of light and reflects other colors. Paints, inks, photographs, and dyes get their colors from pigments. Color printers and photocopiers use three colors– cyan, magenta, and yellow–plus black. You can mix varying amounts of these primary pigment colors to make almost any other color. Mixing Pigments

18.4 Color Each pigment reflects one or more colors. As pigments are mixed together, more colors are absorbed, and fewer colors are reflected. When two or more pigments are mixed together, the colors absorbed by each pigment are subtracted out of the light that strikes the mixture. Mixing Pigments

18.4 Color Any two colors of pigments that combine to make black pigment are complementary colors of pigments. Cyan and magenta combine to form blue. Cyan and yellow combine to form green. Yellow and magenta combine to form red. The secondary colors of pigments are red, green, and blue. Mixing Pigments Student made video... May watch at end slide also...

18.4 Color There are still a few slides to review. At this time, record the following homework assignment which will be due on Friday, March 12th. Test will be Tuesday over ch Chapter 17 assessment pg. 527 #1-20 AND #30-34; pg. 529 #1-6 Chapter 18 assessment pg. 565 #1-3, 7-8, 11-12, AND pg. 566 #28-31 Chapter 19 assessment pg. 595 #1-18 and #23. These are due on Friday... This will also serve as your study guide practice for the test.... Continue with reading the following slides...

18.4 Color The three primary colors of pigments are cyan, yellow, and magenta. When the three primary colors of pigments are combined, the secondary colors of pigments are formed. Mixing Pigments

18.4 Color Assessment Questions 1. A prism separates white light into the visible spectrum because a. longer wavelengths are absorbed more than shorter wavelengths. b. shorter wavelengths refract more than longer wavelengths. c. shorter wavelengths reflect more than longer wavelengths. d. longer wavelengths experience more interference.

18.4 Color Assessment Questions 1. A prism separates white light into the visible spectrum because a. longer wavelengths are absorbed more than shorter wavelengths. b. shorter wavelengths refract more than longer wavelengths. c. shorter wavelengths reflect more than longer wavelengths. d. longer wavelengths experience more interference. ANS:B

18.4 Color Assessment Questions 2. The color of an object depends on what the object is made of and on a. the intensity of light that strikes the object. b. the color of light that strikes the object. c. the direction of the light that strikes the object. d. the speed of the light that strikes the object.

18.4 Color Assessment Questions 2. The color of an object depends on what the object is made of and on a. the intensity of light that strikes the object. b. the color of light that strikes the object. c. the direction of the light that strikes the object. d. the speed of the light that strikes the object. ANS:B

18.4 Color Assessment Questions 3. Which of these colors is one of the primary colors of light? a. green b. magenta c. yellow d. white

18.4 Color Assessment Questions 3. Which of these colors is one of the primary colors of light? a. green b. magenta c. yellow d. white ANS:A

18.4 Color See me when you are done to take a look at color producer light station and finish all of the light-mirror lab. After lab, complete the following: Be sure you turned in all of your assignments IN BOX. Student made with some spelling errors & some British spellings.