Friday, Oct Get out your spiral and put your binder on the floor 2. Update your Table of Contents if you did not yesterday DateTitleEntry # 10/17Road to Revolution Timeline41 10/18Pontiac’s Rebellion notes42 10/18 Colonial Unrest #143 10/19Road to Revolution Voc. worksheet44 3. Write and answer the following on entry #36 The Navigation Acts were linked to which economic system? A.Mercantilism B.Feudalism C.Encomienda system D.Free Enterprise
Learning Recover, Thursday 10/18 1st NameChapter 5/Section 1 worksheet Be fore and After Map (Learning Recovery Monday)
Learning Recover, Thursday 10/18 4th NameChapter 5/Section 1 worksheet Before and After Map (Learning Recovery Monday) MarthaX Missing Report Cards: Caleb Lyly Toby Skylar Hailey Patrick
Learning Recover, Thursday 10/18 5th NameChapter 5/Section 1 worksheet Before and After Map (Learning Recovery Monday) Moisesx AliX C.J.x
Learning Recover, Thursday 10/18 7th NameChapter 5/Section 1 worksheet Before and After Map (Learning Recovery Monday) Soniax Bradleyx
Learning Recover, Thursday 10/18 8th NameChapter 5/Section 1 worksheet Before and After Map (Learning Recovery Monday) GabrielXx
Colonial Unrest #1 EventDescribe the Picture British ActionsColonial Reaction AProclamation of 1763 (p.134) BQuartering Act CStamp Act (p. 145) DTownshend Act EBoston Massacre 1770 (p.149)
Colonial Unrest Writing #1 Directions: 1. On a separate sheet of paper…. 2. Chose an object or person from picture C or E and tell me, from its point of view, what is happening in the slide. Use background information to add to your story.
Colonial Unrest Writing #1 Directions: Chose an object or person from picture C or E and tell me from its point of view what is happening. Ex. I rise in the night sky, as I have every night since the beginning of time, and notice a disturbing conflict. The military presence in the city of Boston has been here for sometime and each night I watch as the masses harass the guard as he does his duty. The night before he was by himself but not tonight!!!!
What do I do now? 1.You are going to create your own timeline on entry #41 in your spiral. Use pages in the Pre AP book and in the on-level book 2.Put the following events in the order they go in. Make sure you add the dates!!!! Tea Act, Proclamation of 1763, Boston Tea Party, Townshend Acts, French and Indian War, Quartering Act, Boston Massacre, Lexington and Concord, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, Sugar Act 3.Choose 4 events to illustrate and color 4.Building Vocabulary Chapter 6 (Use pages 149 to 160 in the Pre Ap book. It is chapter 5 in the Pre AP book)