TYPES OF DANCES Artistic Dance To create and perform a routine that conveys and evokes a meaning and emotion Ceremonial Dance purpose is to perform at a celebration (wedding- love, funeral- life, etc.) or ceremony (Native-American or African dances for hunting, war, rain, etc.) Recreational Dance Dances that are performed in a social and fun setting (folk, line, etc.)
LATIN DANCE Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
MERENGUE Lively, festive dance Originated in the island of Santo Domingo Located north of the Caribbean Sea People from Haiti and the Dominican Republic have claimed the dance originated in their countries These two countries share the same island of Santo Domingo
MERENGUE HISTORY Both Haiti and Dominican Republic have legends that trace merengue dance steps to a war hero with a limp who danced in a stepping motion In the 1930’s merengue was promoted by then-president of the Dominican Republic- Rafael Trujillo It then became the country’s national music and dance
MERENGUE TECHNIQUE Merengue dance steps have a limping appearance Clap and count with the music, counting , Tempo and rhythm are similar to marching music and all the steps are on one beat “Up and out”, “down and in” motion of the hip is important to the dance When the knee bends, the hip on that same leg should drop
MERENGUE ATTIRE Traditional Costume Competition/Showcase Costume