Engineers Without Borders at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Gravity-Fed Potable Water Distribution System in San Miguelito, Guatemala Engineers Without Borders at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Background and Objectives EWB@UWM collaborates with La Asociacion to build water systems Quiche region of Guatemala affected by Civil War from 1960 – 1996 Water hauled long distances by women and children Primary Goal: efficient and sustainable gravity-fed water distribution system with 20 year design life Secondary Goals: reduce water carrying burden and community education on sanitation, hygiene, and safe food preparation
Design Challenges and Solutions ~1000 foot elevation change from distribution tank to end of distribution lines Large pressure build up but cannot use reducing valves Break pressure tanks are simple, cost effective solution Flow rate at houses dependent on location High flow at some houses, low or no flow at others Ficha functions as diffuser to regulate flow and pressure
Outcomes System Components: spring box, conveyance line, chlorinator, distribution tank, distribution lines, break pressure tanks, valve boxes, tap stands System carries water over two miles Provides access via tap stands at houses for more than 270 people Locally sourced materials No operating costs and minimal maintenance Support from La Asociacion and monitoring from EWB@UWM