By : Kenisha Pippin
Computers The Kick-Off Question See them in Action Conclusion
Computers have been in the making since the 1900’s. From small introductions during the wars up until present day 2010, these technological advancements have been a learning tool for all. Check it out for yourself, just “CLICK”
Education is important, of course. That is why getting the best education is important now. Not just books, pen, pencil, and paper, but actual hands-on technological learning. The integration of computers in the schools and educational curriculum is one way of getting that best education. This allows students to interact with the WWW, while learning in the process.
Are computers really helpful to the academic achievement of student???? I researched and found a article that can answer this question. Just “CLICK”
Students not only learn with computers but find ways to make it fun and social too.
Computers are very useful tool for individuals as well as schools, businesses, etc. Their progression into the schools was a big adjustment, but a great advancement as well. Computers are very helpful learning tools in the classroom settings.