Intelligence Testing
Psychometrics- The measure of mental abilities, traits, and processes.
Achievement tests- Designed to measure skills or knowledge you have already learned. Aptitude tests- Designed to measure your ability to acquire skills or knowledge in the future.
Validity- Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure? Reliability- Does the test yield the same results over time?
Standardized (norm referenced) tests- Tests are pre-tested to determine a bell curve.
History of Intelligence Testing 1904 Binet-Simon test was created to test French school children in an effort to determine who needed remedial help. Less than a decade later Americans modified the test to determine innate intelligence and the IQ test was born. (Stanford-Binet became the leading test)
Why do you think it is that intelligence tests became so popular in America during the 20th century?
Three factors help account for this: 1.Screen incoming immigrants. 2.New laws mandating universal education. 3.Military screening.
Sample IQ Questions Age 4- Fill in the missing word: Brother is a boy; sister is a _______.
Age 9- In an old graveyard in Spain they have discovered a small skull which they believe to be that of Christopher Columbus when he was about 10 years old. What is foolish about this?
Adult- 1.Can describe the difference between misery and poverty, character and reputation, laziness and idleness. 2.Explains how to measure 3 pints of water with a 5-pint and a 2-pint can.
SAT Started in Name was changed from Scholastic Aptitude Test to Scholastic Assessment Test. Why?
Cultural Bias Oarsman is to Regatta as... The answer was runner is to marathon 53% of white students got it 22% of black students got it Since then analogies have been dropped from the test.
GRE Graduate Record Examinations
Is football better than sex?
Yes! If you are a Florida Gators fan.