Test Your Job Hunting IQ Pre-Test Name: Period:
Question 1 If you are currently unemployed, you should expect to spend this much time each week looking for your next job. A Hours B Hours C Hours D. Every Hour of Every Day
Question 2 You can tell how much someone really wants to find work by the number of résumés he sends out each week. A. True B. False
Question 3 Getting a job because “you know someone” is cheating. A. True B. False
Question 4 How many interview questions do you really need to be able to answer? A. 50 B. 10 C. 7 D. 20
Question 5 It’s best to pick one job hunting strategy and devote all your energy to it. A. True B. False
Question 6 Your entire focus should be on what you can do for the employer, not what the employer can do for you. A. True B. False
Question 7 The best part about getting a new job is the fact that– finally– you can relax. A. True B. False
Question 8 Which best explains the Me. Inc Concept: A. I need to look out for number one and no one else… B. I need to take responsibility for my career by making sure I’m constantly learning and improving my skills… C. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I’m not going to look for trouble… D. My boss decides my career development…
Question 9 Knowing about the labor market and the economy helps you make informed decisions about your career. A. True B. False
Question 10 When you first sit down for the interview, which of the following should you never do? A. Comment positively on an unusual painting on the wall. B. Take our your notebook and pen, poised to jot down any crucial points. C. Ask the interviewer how many vacation days you’ll get a year. D. Smile at the interviewer, make eye contact and look enthusiastic
Question 11 The job hunting asset most likely to impress employers is: A. A positive attitude B. Postage stamps C. A résumé tracking database D. Local want ads
Question 12 An effective cover letter, résumé and interview require you to research the employer and job first. A. True B. False