D IFFICULTIES G OVERNING C ANADA Diverse Cultural History Geography Values, Beliefs and Ideologies Economics Technology and Industry Global Forces
D IVERSE C ULTURAL H ISTORY The first European settlers were the French and British Many Natives inhabited Canada before European settlers came Waves of Immigration have reshaped Canada ethnically The challenge is involving each culture in the decision making process
Canada has a very diverse landscape ranging from mountains to plains to ocean coastline Inhabitants of the many different geographical areas face different issues; the government has to deal with these challenges
V ALUES, B ELIEFS, AND I DEOLOGIES Many Canadians have different views on the social, political and economic issues facing Canada The government must take these different views into account when making decisions E.g. There a wide range of views on issues such as health care, poverty, same-sex “marriage,” military involvement etc.
E CONOMICS In Canada we have a free market, but the government is still involved in our economy (e.g. Health care, education system, transportation) Canada also has a very diverse economy: forestry, manufacturing, fisheries etc. The government needs to consider the diversity of our economy when establishing trade relations with countries around the world
T ECHNOLOGY AND I NDUSTRY Canada is an industrialized and technologically developed country This creates resources for the entire country which the government must then decide how to use Which social programs should be established? What should tax rates be?
G LOBAL F ORCES The world is a much smaller place and events around the world impact Canada The United States is our closest ally and greatest cultural and economic influence Government has many influences when forming foreign policy E.g. Terrorism, War in Iraq, world poverty
Each of the factors that we have discussed are challenges in governing Canada Our leaders do not have an easy job when we consider the many factors that they must deal with
F EDERAL S YSTEM OF G OVERNMENT Federalism Federal Government Provincial Government Municipal Government (created by Provincial Governments after Confederation) Definition of Federalism- the division of power between the Federal and Provincial levels of government Régis Labeaume, Quebec City Stephen Mandel, Edmonton
D IVISIONS OF P OWER The Federal and Provincial levels of government were each given different jurisdictions- the authority to make and carry out laws in certain areas The Federal government would take care of issues that involved the whole nation, while Provincial Governments would look after regional issues
D IVISIONS OF P OWER (J URISDICTIONS ) Federal National Defense Criminal Law Foreign Affair R.C.M.P. Agriculture Copyright Correctional Facilities Labour Provincial Education Highways Provincial Police Hospitals Liqour Licenses Marriage Permits Municipal (cities) ▫ Public Transit ▫ Garbage Collection ▫ Snow Removal ▫ Zoning of Land ▫ (Note: Municipal level created by Provinces)
S HARED P OWERS AND R ESIDUAL P OWERS Shared Powers- the Federal and Provincial governments share power in the areas of agriculture, immigration and some aspects of natural resources Residual Powers- Areas not specifically listed are given to the Federal government (eg. New technologies- internet)
Overall, the federal government was granted broader power Federalism allows Canada to be governed more effectively- responsibility is shared among the different levels of government