British India (Before Independence) Before 1947, what was this location? British India (Before Independence)
India after Independence (1947) Who led India independence? India after Independence (1947) What methods did he use? What religion was India? India: (Hindu) Gandhi leads--passive resistance and civil disobedience Give the name and religion of each country in color AT independence: West Pakistan and East Pakistan (Islamic) – one country Sri Lanka (Buddhist)—former Ceylon
What does the light green country become? Why does it change its name? : Bangladesh (East Pakistan) get independence from West Pakistan after civil war.
Give the name and religion of the country in yellow: India (Hindu)
Bangladesh (East Pakistan—Islam) Give the name, former name, and religion of the country in blue: Bangladesh (East Pakistan—Islam)
Pakistan (West Pakistan—Islam) Give the name, former name, and religion of the country in purple: Pakistan (West Pakistan—Islam)
Sri Lanka (Ceylon --Buddhist) Give the name, former name, and religion of the country in yellow: Sri Lanka (Ceylon --Buddhist)