The school games value competition is going to be added into every event. In each sports event we are going to give you two values to achieve, the schools that uses the two values the best will win the competition for that event. Work as a team to be the best school and to achieve all 6 values. With others and with yourself. Have the courage to do the right thing. Be truthful and promote fairness in every situation Treat everyone equally, support each other’s and work together to have fun and achieve. Celebrate each others’ success. Be a good friend and a positive team player in school, sport and life. Treating others politely and with understanding. Accepting life’s ‘ups and downs’ with grace. Respect everyday, in everything you do and for everyone around you. You’ve got to believe to achieve. Have the self belief and confidence to succeed and reach your personal best Giving it 100%, putting your heart and soul into whatever you are doing and never giving up. Care about what you do and the people around you, and approach each opportunity with enthusiasm and positivity. Keep going no matter what. Determination is about the journey you go on to push yourself and achieve your dreams. Have the mental strength and the self discipline to overcome obstacles, commit to your goals and keep working every day to become the very best you can be. Don’t hold back
Dodgeball values: team work and determination Boys football: respect and team work Hi five netball: passion and respect Tag rugby: passion and team work Girls football: determination and passion Primary panathlon: self belief and respect Primary X-country: self belief and determination Primary sports hall athletics (yr. 5&6): self belief and honesty Primary sports hall athletics (3&4): determination and passion Primary Boccia: team work and respect Primary Water polo: team work and determination Quicksticks Hockey (yr. 5&6): passion and honesty Swimming Gala: self belief and passion Sports hall athletics (yr. 2): respect and determination Quicksticks Hockey (3 to 6): respect and team work C4L reward comp (3&4): determination and respect Tag rugby (3&4): honesty and team work Key steps gymnastics (3to6): self belief and passion Basketball (5&6): team work and respect Tennis (3&4): self belief and determination Boys cricket (5&6): honesty and team work Big dance pledge: passion and respect Girls Cricket (5&6): determination and team work Quad Kids (5&6): self belief and determination Tri golf(5&6): honesty and passion 5 a day pentathlon (yr. 1): determination and self belief 5 a day pentathlon (6 & under): honesty and determination Quad kids(3&4): team work and respect Primary badminton(6 &under): self belief and honesty Quad Kids (yr. 2): self belief and team work Mixed Cricket: determination and team work
Autumn term competition is here ! As a team in your school create the best report of the best thing that has happened in your school/ or in an event with the havering sports collective. Add loads of colour, writing and some awesome pictures to win this competition! Example of a simple report : Branfil Basic Skills Day! It was a fantastic day for Branfil Primary school as the Branfil school sports crew and Marion Tucker produced an amazing basic skill circuit competition for most years to enjoy. The circuit consisted of 4 activities; a sprint event, a jumping event, a throwing event, and co-ordination event, which tested the student’s fitness level and skills. The students were split up into their house teams; the idea of doing this is to see who the best house was. All the results for each event were totalled up after they did these events for 2 minutes. Then a total will be made from these 4 events and this will give us the winning team. We did this with years 3, 4 and 5. All students showed great enthusiasm and joy when doing these events. Congratulations to all the students that took part in this day. Branfil primary school showing of their amazing skills.
Spring term competition time !! With your school. Make a colourful, creative notice board about your time with the havering sports collective and your sports that you compete in and have fun with. Be the best school with the most incredible notice board ever! Example of a notice board :
Summer term competition begins Bring the best place banner to your Quad Kids competition. Make it the awesome with bright colours, bold writing and brilliant captions! MAKE IT A3 AND LAMINATED !! Example: