Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 6 Skeletal System
Physical foundation of the body Physical foundation of the body 206 bones 206 bones Connected by movable and immovable joints Connected by movable and immovable joints
Osteology Science of the anatomy, structure, and function of the bones Science of the anatomy, structure, and function of the bones OS OS –Bone –Prefix for medical terms
Bone Second hardest tissue of the body Second hardest tissue of the body –The first is tooth enamel Composed of connective tissue Composed of connective tissue –1/3 animal matter –2/3 mineral matter
Primary functions Give shape and support to the body Give shape and support to the body Protects internal structures and organs Protects internal structures and organs Attachments for muscles and acts as levers for movement Attachments for muscles and acts as levers for movement Produces white and red blood cells Produces white and red blood cells Store’s calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium Store’s calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium
Bone joints Connection of two (2) or more bones Connection of two (2) or more bones Movable: Movable: –Elbows –Knees –hips Immovable: Immovable: –Pelvis –skull
Bones of the Skull Cranium Cranium –8 bones of the head –An oval, bony case that protects the brain Facial Skeleton Facial Skeleton –14 bones of the face
Cranium 1 Occipital – hindmost, forms the back of the skull above the nape 1 Occipital – hindmost, forms the back of the skull above the nape 2 Parietal – forms the sides and crown 2 Parietal – forms the sides and crown 1 Frontal – forehead 1 Frontal – forehead 2 Temporal – forms the sides of the head in the ear region 2 Temporal – forms the sides of the head in the ear region
1 Ethmoid – light, spongy bone between the eye sockets and forms the nasal cavities 1 Ethmoid – light, spongy bone between the eye sockets and forms the nasal cavities 1 Sphenoid – joins all the bones of the cranium 1 Sphenoid – joins all the bones of the cranium
Bones of the Face 2 Nasal – form the bridge of the nose 2 Nasal – form the bridge of the nose 2 Lacrimal – small, thin bones – front inner wall of the eye sockets 2 Lacrimal – small, thin bones – front inner wall of the eye sockets 2 Zygomatic – prominence of the cheekbones 2 Zygomatic – prominence of the cheekbones
2 Maxillae – upper jaw 2 Maxillae – upper jaw 1 Mandible – lower jaw – largest and strongest bone of the face 1 Mandible – lower jaw – largest and strongest bone of the face
Bones of the neck Hyoid – U-shaped at base of tongue – “Adams Apple” Hyoid – U-shaped at base of tongue – “Adams Apple” Cervical Vertebrae – seven (7) bones of the top part of the vertebral column in neck region Cervical Vertebrae – seven (7) bones of the top part of the vertebral column in neck region
Bones of the Chest, Shoulder and back Thorax – chest – elastic, bony cage that protects the heart and lungs Thorax – chest – elastic, bony cage that protects the heart and lungs Ribs – twelve (12) pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax Ribs – twelve (12) pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax
Scapula – large, flat, triangular bone of the shoulder (back) Scapula – large, flat, triangular bone of the shoulder (back) Sternum – Breastbone Sternum – Breastbone Clavicle – Collarbone – joins sternum and scapula Clavicle – Collarbone – joins sternum and scapula
Bones for the arms and hands Humerus – uppermost and largest bone of the arm – from elbow to shoulder Humerus – uppermost and largest bone of the arm – from elbow to shoulder Ulna – inner and larger of the forearm – pinkie side Ulna – inner and larger of the forearm – pinkie side Radius – smaller bone on the forearm – thumb side Radius – smaller bone on the forearm – thumb side
Carpus (Carpal) – wrist – 8 flexible, small, irregular bones held together by ligaments Carpus (Carpal) – wrist – 8 flexible, small, irregular bones held together by ligaments Metacarpus – palm – 5 bones between carpus and phalanges Metacarpus – palm – 5 bones between carpus and phalanges Phalanges – fingers – digits – Phalanges – fingers – digits – – 14 bones 3 fingers 3 fingers 2 thumbs 2 thumbs
Bones of the legs and feet Femur – heavy, long thigh bone Femur – heavy, long thigh bone Tibia- larger, shin bone – big toe side Tibia- larger, shin bone – big toe side Fibula – smaller, shin bone – little toe side Fibula – smaller, shin bone – little toe side Patella – knee cap Patella – knee cap Talus - ankle Talus - ankle
Tarsal – 7 bones from ankle into foot Tarsal – 7 bones from ankle into foot Metatarsals – 5 bones of the foot – long and slender Metatarsals – 5 bones of the foot – long and slender Phalanges - toes – digits – Phalanges - toes – digits – – 14 bones 3 toes 3 toes 2 big toes 2 big toes