1 Psychology 305A: Personality Psychology November 27 Lecture 22
Exam 3: December 8, :30-11:00, SRC A, B, C The exam will be scored out of 50 points: 30 multiple choice questions (1 point each), 6 extended response questions (2-6 points each, estimated; totaling 20 points). The exam is worth one-third of your final grade if you did not write the optional paper and one-quarter of your final grade if you did write the optional paper. 2
Please arrive on time to facilitate rapid distribution of the exams. Bring a pencil, eraser, pen, and student ID to the exam. All electronic devices must be stored prior to the exam. Bags and backpacks should be left at the front of the room. Valuables may be placed under your seat. 3
Turn in extra copies of the exam at the start of the examination period; university policy requires that all exams be accounted for before students are permitted to leave the examination room. 4
The exam will cover: 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 (p , ) Chapter 14 (p ) All material discussed in class since October 30.
6 Reminder: In the case of a discrepancy between the material presented in the textbook and the material presented in class, please rely upon the material presented in class for the purpose of exam preparation. Please review the “exam preparation tips” provided in class on September 18.
1. I will hold additional office hours and a “Q&A” review session in preparation for the exam: December 1: 9:00AM-12:00PM, Kenny 3102 December 4: 10:00-11:30AM, Kenny 3102 December 5: 9:00AM-12:00PM, Kenny 3102 December 5: 12:00-1:00PM (Kenny 2101, “Q&A” review session) 7 Announcements
8 2. The peer mentors will hold “Q&A” review sessions at the following times: December 4, 12:30-1:30PM, Audain Art Centre, 4038 B, C December 5, 2:00-3:00PM, Kenny 2512
9 3. The peer mentors have created a survey to obtain your feedback on the peer mentor program. This feedback will be used to enhance the peer mentor program next year. If you have attended one or more peer mentor tutorials, please complete the survey before December 20 at:
10 1. Tutorial 5 of the Peer Mentor Program is scheduled at the following times: November 27, 1:00-2:00PM, SWING 122 November 28, 4:30-5:30PM, SWING 122 The discussion questions for Tutorial 5 will be posted on the course website (see Peer Mentor Program). Reminders
11 2. Please complete your evaluation for this course. Your evaluation will be anonymous and secure. 11 To date, 36% of students have completed the evaluation. (Goal: 70% completion rate!) New for : Evaluations for Psychology courses have been shortened to 15 questions!
A little R&R …. (Review and Reflect) 12
Psychology Analysis of the Personality of a Civil Rights Leader: Malcolm X Discussion Questions 1.What learning processes (e.g., classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning) do you think shaped Malcolm X’s personality? Identify specific examples to illustrate how these learning processes shaped his personality. 13
Psychology Prior to imprisonment, Malcolm X did not adhere to a separatist view regarding race relations. However, after imprisonment, he did adhere to this view, ultimately joining the Nation of Islam. How can Dollard and Miller’s learning theory be used to explain this change in Malcolm X’s attitudes and behaviour? 3.Mischel proposed 5 “cognitive-social learning person variables” to describe personality: competencies, encoding strategies/personal constructs, expectancies, subjective values, and self-regulatory systems/plans. Use these variables to describe Malcolm X’s personality when he was in Boston. 14
Psychology Speculate on Malcolm X’s dominant needs. Consider Murray’s needs and the “Big Three” dimensions. 5. Maslow maintained that, in the hierarchy of conative needs, lower-order needs have greater strength, potency, and priority than higher-order needs. Were Malcolm X’s actions consistent with this assertion? 6. Would Maslow’s hierarchy of conative needs adequately explain motivation among collectivists? 15
Psychology How does Maslow’s notion of the self-actualizer differ from Rogers’ notion of the fully functioning person? Can both concepts be applied to Malcolm X? 8.Deci and Ryan emphasized the importance of “self- determination” in determining well-being. At what point in his life do you believe that Malcolm X achieved self- determination? 9.Research has identified a number of personality characteristics that are related to happiness. Which of these characteristics did Malcolm X display, if any? 16
Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Observational learning Extrinsic reinforcement Intrinsic reinforcement Vicarious reinforcement Self-reinforcement Some learning concepts: 17
Racism, social isolation (US) Negative emotions (UR; e.g., anxiety) Reflexive Presence at school (CS) Learned Repeatedly paired Highly similar Negative emotions (CR) Example of Classical (Emotional) Conditioning 18
Death of father, burning of home (US) Negative emotions (UR; e.g., anger, fury) Reflexive Presence of “whites” (KKK) (CS) Learned Repeatedly paired Highly similar Negative emotions (CR) Example of Classical (Emotional) Conditioning 19
Psychology Dollard and Miller’s Social-Cognitive Learning Theory 1. Drive 2. Cue 3. Response 4. Reinforcement 5. Habit Hierarchy 20
21 (b) Encoding strategies and personal constructs (i.e., schemas, self-beliefs). (a) Competencies. (c) Expectancies. (d) Subjective values. (e) Self-regulatory systems and plans. 21 Mischel’s Cognitive-Social Learning Person Variables
Sample Schema 22 Theft Drug Dealing Pimping Injustice Discrimination Violence Love Belonging Poverty “Money” Friends Happiness Social Acceptance Self Acceptance
Psychology Factors that may account for self-actualization in the absence of lower-order need satisfaction (Heylighen, 1992): 1.Prior need satisfaction (a temporal factor). 2. Perceived competence to satisfy lower-order needs (a cognitive factor). Perceived competence emerges from (a) material competence (in due time) and (b) cognitive competence. 23
Psychology Physiological Needs Safety Needs Belonging Needs Esteem Needs Self- Actualization Needs 24 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Conative Needs
Belonging Needs Physiological Needs Safety Needs Self- Actualization Needs (in the service of society) A Hierarchy of Conative Needs for Collectivistic Cultures (Cianci & Gambrel, 2003; Nevis, 1983) 25
Research has identified a number of personality characteristics that are related to happiness: 26 1.The Big 5: Extraversion, neuroticism. 2.Attachment styles: Secure attachment. 3.The autotelic personality. 4. Character strengths.
27 "An autotelic person needs few material possessions and little entertainment, comfort, power, or fame because so much of what he or she does is already rewarding. Because such persons experience flow in work, in family life, when interacting with people, when eating, even when alone with nothing to do, they are less dependent on the external rewards that keep others motivated to go on with a life composed of routines. They are more autonomous and independent because they cannot be as easily manipulated with threats or rewards from the outside. At the same time, they are more involved with everything around them because they are fully immersed in the current of life” (Csikszentmihalyi, 2007).
Psychology 305A: Personality Psychology Introductory Concepts Research Methods Personality Assessment Trait Perspective Biological Perspective Psychoanalytic Perspective Psychosocial Perspective Learning Perspective Cognitive Perspective Motive Perspective Self-Actualization/ Determination Perspective 29 What is personality?
30 “Each basic approach to personality may serve to remind us of important influences on behaviour that the other approaches forget or neglect. Thus, the trait approach reminds us of the importance of individual differences; the biological approach reminds us of the influences of anatomy, physiology, and genetics; the psychoanalytic approach reminds us of the power of the unconscious; the humanistic [self-actualization] approach reminds us of the importance of consciousness … the learning [approach] … remind[s] us that physical and social environments and specific situations also cause what we do and shape who we are” (Funder, 2013).
31 Top 5 preferences among students (in rank order): 1.Personality and Psychopaths. 2.Personality Disorders. 3.Personality and Happiness. 4.Personality Stability and Change. 5.Sex Differences in Personality. Students’ desired course content: The “Its My Course” Questionnaire: Results
Other topics of interest to students: Personality testing (i.e., assessment). Introversion/extraversion. Dreams. Freud. Personality development. Free will/determinism; nature vs. nurture. Heritability of personality characteristics. Birth order effects. Motivation. Personality growth. Personality and religion. Personality and “real world” applications. 32
Do wonder about everything. Always. 33