MAIN ELEMENTS OF INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 1. Construction of new schools 2. Eliminate unsafe/unacceptable structures structures 3. Provisioning of additional facilities address overcrowding Promote full school effectiveness 4. Alternative solutions Learner transport Hostel accommodation: farm school learners Merging/Reorganization of schools. Mobile classrooms on farms
MAIN ELEMENTS…cont. 4. Alternative solutions. Cont. optimal utilization of empty classrooms. 5. Provisioning of basic services: Water Sanitation Electricity
MAIN ELEMENTS…cont. 6. Maintenance of schools addressing backlogs strategy to deal with major/minor renovations asset register on conditions of all school facilities 7. Letsema 8. Facilitate signing of agreements with farmers 9. Standard plans for school buildings
FOCUS OF PRESENTATION 1. New schools Departmental budget PPP 2. Provisioning of basic services Water Sanitation Electricity
NEW SCHOOLS 1.Migration patterns. Between towns Within towns 2.Platoon condition 3.Unacceptable structures in urban areas
NEW SCHOOLS DISTRICT New schools to eliminate platooning schools Other new schools Total Total estimated cost R’000 Lejweleputsa ,000 Northern Free State ,000 Motheo ,000 Thabo Mofutsanyana ,000 Xhariep01121,000 TOTAL ,000
NEW SCHOOLS cont. Number of schools Total estimated cost R ‘000 Total backlog Total backlog46R714,000 Schools to be built until 2009/10 27R373,376 PPP intervention 13 Remaining schools 6
NEW SCHOOL cont. (PPP Intervention programme) YEARACTIVITYBUDGETR’ /05 Finalise contracts and develop feasibility study R /6 Feasibility study and preparations of procurement processes R1 000 Finalise agreements with Private Party 2006/7 Commence construction of 13 schools R /8 Complete construction of schools 13 R /8 Commence unitary payments R TOTAL BUDGET
NEW SCHOOLS: COMMENTS 1.Exploration of alternative solutions for use of existing infrastracture may reduce number of 46 schools needed. 2. Backlog to be eliminated by 2008/9 3. PPP intervention to address 13 platoon schools: 2007/8
BASIC SERVICES: BACKLOGS PER DISTRICT DISTRICTSSCHOOLS WaterSanitationElectricityTotal Lejweleputswa Northern FS Motheo Thabo Mofutsanyana Xhariep TOTAL
BASIC SERVICES - WATER Number of schools Total backlog – October Less: Non viable farm schools Less: No signed agreements Less: Water provided during 2004/05 FSDoE20 DWAF53 Rand Water 2093 Remaining schools to be provided with water 133
BASIC SERVICES - SANITATION Number of schools Total backlog –October Less: Non-viable farm schools Less: Sanitation provided during 2004/05 Departmentally30 Nketoane Local Municipality 47 Local Government and Housing Remaining number of schools to be provided with sanitation 74
BASIC SERVICES - ELECTRICITY Number of schools Total backlog – October Less: Non viable schools Less: No signed agreements Less: Electricity provided during 2004/05 Eskom4444 Remaining schools without electricity 120
BASIC SERVICES: COMMENTS 1.Continuation of partnership with other government departments and other organizations will ensure speedy elimination of backlogs