Welcome to 2015! I hope you all had a chance to get some well deserved R&R over break and came to class refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to learn. Here we will be talking about updated class expectations and consequences for these actions. UPDATED CLASS EXPECTATIONS:
Here is my contact information if you and/or your parent need my information. is the best way to contact me: Amanda Irish School #: (661) ext. 1120
I will be trying out 2 new things this semester: Remind (Remind 101) and a school website. Please list these things here if you and/or you parent need this information. IF YOU WISH TO SIGN UP TO REMIND: My number is: In the message, This will be used to send students messages about homework, upcoming tests/quizzes, and other important dates. It should not be used as a substitute for your own planner! REMIND AND WEBSITE!!
This website will be used to post the weekly agenda, powerpoints, and useful videos and links for this class. You do not need to sign up to use this resource. Website: eastsidebiomed.com Using the sidebar, click on the Anatomy weekly agenda, Anatomy powerpoints, or Anatomy links to navigate. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY WEBSITE
1.Come to class on time! 2.I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK. EVER. DON’T ASK. EVER. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE GONE THE DAY WORK IS DUE, MAKE SURE I RECIEVE IT ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE. 3.If you are absent for a test or quiz, you have exactly one week to make it up. Tests and quizzes will be made up on your own time. 4.Always have your notebook and something to write with. 5.Produce outstanding quality work that you are proud of! Keep your notebook for college as a reference! 6.Do not talk while I am talking (obviously) and do not walk around the class while I am giving instructions. 7.Do not charge your phone in my class. Do not have your phone out. CLASS EXPECTATIONS REVIEWED:
1.Come to class on time! 2.Late work is due NO LATER THAN 3 DAYS after the due date. You will automatically lose 25% of your grade for late work. 3.If you are absent for a test or quiz, you have exactly one week to make it up. Tests and quizzes will be made up on your own time. 4.Always have your notebook and something to write with. 5.Produce outstanding quality work that you are proud of! Keep your notebook for college as a reference! 6.Do not talk while I am talking (obviously) and do not walk around the class while I am giving instructions. 7.Do not charge your phone in my class. Do not have your phone out. BIO EXPECTATIONS REVIEWED
1)No food or drink (other than water with a sealable lid) 2)No ear buds/earphones while I am lecturing. I do not want to see them out at all. 3)You are ready when the bell rings! This means your notebook, a writing utensil, and in your seat. 4)No more leaving my room a mess! The last 3 minutes of every class will be designated to cleaning up. 5)All supplies you use from me must be returned to their location. 6)Do not clean up before I tell you to do so, you will have time to clean up. 7)No leaving your notebook on the tops of cabinets, take them home. 8)I dismiss you, NOT THE BELL. 9)For missing work, check the calendar by the door as well as the folder for any work you may have missed. 10)Put your textbook back in the cabinet! Make sure you are grabbing your book and putting it back. UPDATED CLASS EXPECTATIONS:
1)No food or drink (other than water with a sealable lid) 2)No ear buds/earphones while I am lecturing. I do not want to see them out at all. 3)You are ready when the bell rings! This means your notebook, a writing utensil, and in your seat. 4)No more leaving my room a mess! The last 3 minutes of every class will be designated to cleaning up. 5)All supplies you use from me must be returned to their location. 6)Do not clean up before I tell you to do so, you will have time to clean up. 7)No leaving your notebook on the tops of cabinets, take them home. 8)I dismiss you, NOT THE BELL. 9)For missing work, check the calendar by the door as well as the folder for any work you may have missed. BIOLOGY NEW EXPECTATIONS
Please review this expectations page with your parent/guardian and if you are willing to adhere and commit to the above expectations, sign and date the page below. Due Date: Friday, January 16, 2015