Tourism Growth Aspen Falls, California Open p04_exam_Tourism.pptx. Save as Last_First_p04_exam_Tourism. Apply the Push transition with the From Left effect. Set the Duration to.75, and apply to all. On Notes and Handouts, add Date set to update automatically. Insert footer with the file name Last_First_p04_exam_Tourism. Apply Entrance animation – Fly In with From Top-Left effect. Set the animation to appear With Previous
Tourism Categories LodgingFood and Beverage TransportationShopping EntertainmentOther Activities Aspen Falls Tourism Department Study, 2013 Sources of Income Type slide title. Insert table with two columns and three rows. Type text. Add row above and row below. Merge cells in first and last rows. Align text horizontally and vertically. Increase font to 26 for first row, and 24 for rows 2 to 4. Use the eyedropper to apply brown color to first row. Apply same animation used on image on Slide 1. Drag lower border so it lines up with 2.5 inch mark below zero. Apply table style – Dark Style 1, Accent 6. Apply a Relaxed Inset Cell Bevel effect. Apply Outside Borders to the table.
Tourism Income Trends Type title. Insert a clustered column chart. Replace sample data. Apply chart style – Style 13. Change color to Color 3. Type chart title, and then apply bold. Apply a Fly In animation to appear by series. Change the Duration to Remove the animation on the background of the chart.
Tourism Related Jobs Type title. Insert a 3-D Pie chart. Replace sample data. Apply Quick Layout Style 1, change color to Color 10. Delete chart title placeholder. Change the Font Size to 14, and Bold.
Goals Provide opportunities for growth Raise industry wages Improve benefits Increase number of jobs Provide more opportunities for training Select the left placeholder. Apply the Emphasis animation – Brush Color. Select image and apply Exit animation – Swivel. Set the animation to appear With Previous with Duration of