Thursday, October 15, 2015
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month Paintings by Leslie Tapia-Bernal on display in the LMC
ATTENTION SENIORS According to BOE policy, Seniors CANNOT use cell phones anywhere in the school. This includes the courtyard, study hall and the cafeteria.
ATTENTION SENIORS Seniors must clean up the courtyard during lunch or this privilege will be lost. If this is not done, the courtyard will be closed.
LATE BUS The late bus is available Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. For more info please contact any Administrator or the Library Staff.
FINANCIAL AID NIGHT TUES., 10/27/15 6:30 PM THS Little Theatre
INTERACT CLUB NEXT MEETING: THS Per. – Wed. Oct.21 ( 2 nd ½) 9:40 AM LMC Classroom Please bring Halloween candy and/or decorations
Haunted hallways Fri., Oct 30 – 5-7 PM –THS For children ages 10 & under (children should wear costume & be with an adult) Please bring non- perishable food item or money to donate to fish Hosted by leo club
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Mandatory Meeting: Wed., Oct nd half of THS (9:40 – 10:14) Passes required See Ms. Costa (3418) or Ms. Comito (3417&
New Club Forming! Baseball Club will be meeting the 4 th week-(2 nd half) THS per. starting Oct. 22. Open to all who are interested in baseball. See Mr. Richardson room 3430 for more info
CERAMICS CLUB Meetings: Room 0205 – Mrs. Amoroso
THS BOOK CLUB The new read is The 5 th Wave by Rick Yancey. Paperback copies available in the LMC for club members
THESPIANS Next Meeting: Be sure you have your pass!
THS BAND Congratulations to “The Pride of Torrington”
JOB FAIR SKI SUNDOWN Thurs. Oct 15, 4-8 PM Check THS Guidance Webpage for more info
COLLEGE REP VISITS (SIGN UP IN GUIDANCE) Thurs., Oct :45 AM Springfield College
COLLEGE REP VISITS (SIGN UP IN GUIDANCE) Fri., Oct. 23 1:15 PM Eastern CT State University
COLLEGE REP VISITS (SIGN UP IN GUIDANCE) Wed. Oct. 28 1:00 PM Merrimac College
COLLEGE REP VISITS (SIGN UP IN GUIDANCE) Thurs., Nov. 5 8:00 AM Mount Saint Mary