Facebook Awareness
What is Facebook? Facebook, Myspace, Xange and any other social networking site that allows you to create a profile are all the same. These sites are open to anyone and everyone with an address. You are able to put pictures of any kind of information you want to post about yourself or others. I hope after viewing this slide show you will able to talk about social networking sites and express an educated opinion.
Facebook in The Eyes of Teens Facebook in the eyes of teens is just another way to stay in touch with their friends. Now instead of just talking on the phone, you can leave messages for your friends, comment on pictures or join interesting groups. It’s an easy way to distribute mass information to your entire social network. Most people will just browse through people’s profiles and pictures and leave comments. Facebook is basically a teen’s way of creating a personal profile and looking at other people’s profiles.
Facebook Pros Communication Promotion of bands or sports teams Easily access information Show pictures Remind others about upcoming events such as birthdays or sporting events Keep in touch with long distance friends
Facebook Cons Exposure of personal information to anyone Allows people to make mean or distasteful comments to groups An easy way to quickly spread rumors A distraction from school work
So what is OK? Name Interest Pictures Birthday Links to other sites Contact Info AIM Screen Name:dmckaydmckay Website: /iWebhttp://web.mac.com/dmckay /iWeb Personal Info Activities:Speech and Debate, Character EducationSpeech and DebateCharacter Education Interests:Mac Programming, Anything Mac-related, Music, Video GamesMac ProgrammingAnything Mac-related MusicVideo Games Favorite Music:U2, Fleetwood Mac, Death Cab for Cutie, Office, The Postal Service, R.E.M.U2Fleetwood MacDeath Cab for Cutie OfficeThe Postal ServiceR.E.M. Favorite TV Shows:House, My Name is Earl, The Office, The 4400, Monk, The Dead Zone, Psych, Saved, Bones, Justice, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, 30 Rock, NUMB3RS, HeroesHouseMy Name is EarlThe Office The 4400MonkThe Dead ZonePsychSavedBones JusticeStudio 60 on the Sunset Strip30 Rock NUMB3RSHeroes Favorite Quotes:Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. - Steve Jobs Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking, I’d like to share with you a maxim I thought of the first time I met an IBM mainframe: NEVER TRUST A COMPUTER YOU CAN’T LIFT! - the Macintosh at its introduction in 1984
So what is not OK? Address Phone number Anything that could be construed or misconstrued as racial/sexual injustice Incriminating pictures of you or your friends Do not Photoshop other people’s pictures
Facebook for Parents If your child has facebook be sure to talk to them about how they are using it. Go ahead and talk about what is appropriate and what you might not want to post on your profile. If they think anything might be questionable encourage them to ask before acting on the internet.