This course is designed to give students knowledge of the law, the courts' changing trends, and the major changes the constitution has brought about. Areas of study include the origins of the Canadian legal system, criminal law, civil and human rights, torts/civil law, and contracts. Actual case studies are used to illustrate situations within these areas of law.
Unit 1: Our Legal Heritage 1. Law and Society 2. Classifying Law 3. Government and Statute Law Unit 2: Rights, Freedoms & Responsibilities 4. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 5. Human Rights
Unit 3: Criminal Law 6. The Nature of Crime 7. Criminal Court System 8. Investigation and Arrest 9. Criminal Offences 10. Defence for the accused 11. Sentencing and Correctional System
Unit 4: Civil Law and Dispute Resolution 12. Criminal Law & Young People 13. Understanding Civil Procedures 14. Negligence and Unintentional Torts 15. Intentional Torts 16. Marriage: A Changing Tradition 17. Family Matters 18. Forming a Contract
Tests 20% Midterm 10% Final 20% In-Class Activities 10% (Mock Trial, Role Playing, Panel Discussions, Debate)
“The Wrong Man” (Group Presentation) 5% Individual Projects & Assignments35% Current Event Reports Case Analysis: Ashley Smith Position Paper / Public Service Campaign / Human Rights Political Cartoon Assignment
There will be other in-class activities and formative assessments that are meant to enhance your learning: quick writes, quizzes, visit to the court. It is expected that you fully participate and do your best work. If you miss one of the assignments under the “in class” section, you will need to make arrangements to complete alternative assignment to take the place of this mark. The credit cannot be gained without the completion of the midterm, final exam and each of the individual projects / assignments. They are essential requirements.
If you go to my wiki page, you will find up-to-date postings that include PowerPoint presentations, details about assignments, video links and helpful hints. There isn’t an option to chat on this site, so please direct your questions to me during class time. I expect that you check the site daily.
Name & Grade Interests, hobbies, strengths, sports, music, “quirks”, other? Goals you have for this year (personal or academic) Goals you have for the future Something most people know about you Something most people don’t know about you Do you have a job? How many hours? Do you have computer access at home? What interests you most about this course? Are you worried about anything (regarding the course)?