About Tam Tickets :- Intro Tam Tickets is a full featured, and reliable help-desk ticket support system. It is great for users and businesses who wish to keep track of and manage support requests online. You can create multiple users, search tickets, add multiple departments, create custom priorities and much much more. Tam Tickets is a full featured, and reliable help-desk ticket support system. It is great for users and businesses who wish to keep track of and manage support requests online. You can create multiple users, search tickets, add multiple departments, create custom priorities and much much more. Carbonsoft solutions pvt ltd
Adding departmentsSix user permission levelsGraphical representation Carbonsoftsolutions pvt ltd Tam Ticket features :- 1) Easy to use with a clean design 2) User Registration 3) Ticket Search 4) create and reply to tickets via ). 5) Pushover Notifications 6)Mass Open/Close/Delete Tickets 7) Custom Priorities.
Tech info :- Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome Project introduction Technical specifications :- Product tech info :- Tam Tickets is written in PHP5.3 and uses a MySQL5 database. Tam Tickets is a "Web Application" that must be installed on a Web Server. PHP LDAP( light weight directory access protocol ) (for Active Directory support).
PermissionFeaturesTicket AccessUse Administrator All Features (Profile, Tickets, Tickets Mass Moderate, Users, Settings) All Tickets This should only be given to technical users that are completely trusted with the system. Global Moderator Profile, Tickets, Tickets Mass Moderate All Tickets Allows access to every ticket in the system. Moderator Profile, Tickets, Tickets Mass Moderate Add/Edit/Delete/View (all tickets in departments that the user is a member of). Department Manager StaffProfile, Tickets Add/View and basic Edit (all tickets in departments that the user is a member of). Support Staff UserProfile, Tickets Add/View and basic Edit (only tickets assigned to or created by the user). Contractor SubmitterProfile, Tickets Add/View and basic Edit (only tickets created by the user). Client/End User
Carbonsoft solutions pvt ltd Demo link:- url : username : varun password : 1234
Tam manager ( Tam manager (