Raft Debate Sciences’ Position Feb. 4/5, 2008 Dr. Johnny B. Holmes, Professor of Physics Dean of the School of Sciences
What kind of society? Would you rather live in a high tech society, or a primitive one?
High Tech Society What creates a high tech society? The level of art? - there are great examples of cave art The level of business? - the efficiencies of division of labor are magnified by technology, and the fruits have to be defended The level of engineering? - blow darts can be beautifully and elegantly designed
Science & Society Science is the basis of the high tech society. Science is based on repeatable experiments, not on somebody’s best guess or individual beliefs. It cannot be faked. Science is based on the search for truth. It prospers in an open and free society, and can then support that open and free society.
Science & Survival Science tries to understand nature – to understand how things work. When you come to an island, you don’t know what you will find. Science brings the mind set to understand what your resources are and how they might be used.
Science & Engineering In looking at the particular benefits, Engineering may claim many of the benefits. The distinction between Engineering and Science in practice is not always clear. But Science, the understanding of how things work, must come before Engineering if its work is to keep expanding.
Particular Benefits Food – find it in the ocean, on the beach, on the island with animals, on the island with plants Water and drink, including distillation Medicine – poisonous plants & animals; nutritious plants; waste disposal
Particular Benefits Rafting – ocean currents, weather patterns, climate prediction, bird and fish migrations, tools such as sails, rudder, outrigger. Later, water proofing materials, engines (steam and later motors) Tool making: from rocks (flints, etc.), from animals (bone, hides), from plants (rope), from ore to get metals, steam engines
Particular Benefits Hunting – tool creation, animal behavior patterns, egg gathering Farming – tool creation, seed production and weed suppresion Energy identification: wood, coal, distilling alcohol and other volatiles, wind, hydro, solar.
High tech versus primitive Which would you rather live in? If high tech, Science is necessary for a high tech society.
Quality of Life Your quality of life is not solely determined by technology. Technology, based on science, can help you live longer and healthier, live easier, and support a free and open society. It can give you the time and tools to support your dreams.